the whole some K-drama

"Are you kidding me he brought you here in the hospital damn gurl are you turning your life into wholesome K-Drama?" 

"No, dude I did something worse?" Anjali turns her head away gulping in response. 

"What did you do did you ki-" Anjali turns giving a short glare 

"Horny witch not that" Anjali breathes out through her mouth tugging her hair back of her ear.

"I took I kind of was taken back and whack him with my bag" 

"YOu WHAT!!!" Viddhi almost screams getting up from her chair, her eyes wide in response. 

"Calm down let me tell you the whole thing before you start packing" Anjali mumbles in a calming tone.

*Third POV*

"That's all happened the day I went to take the photo from this guy Steve you saw the moment ago," Anjali said finally breathing out as if she has said the entire story in one breath cracking her knuckles. 

Both of the girls' stare at each other with a wide smirk over their face, by the end for some unknown reason as they laugh in response. Just by staring at each other face. 

"Why are you laughing?" 

"Cuz you are" giggling at the end 

"You sure you didn't kick him on his burns?" 

'I did! I DID ITTT'

"No, that's why I'm alive out talking to you bro," Anjali said as if it's the most obvious thing. 

"Are you kidding me he brought you here in the hospital damn gurl are you turning your life into whole some K-Drama?" 

"No, dude I did something worse?" Anjali turns her head away gulping in response. 

"What did you do did you ki-" Anjali turns giving a short glare 

"Horny witch not that" Anjali breathes out through her mouth tugging her hair back on her ear.

"Are you serious he won't do that to you?" Viddhi asked, rubbing her hand together, with concern looking over her face. 

"Eeeyap! I'm absolutely sure about it he said it himself as he took it in a form I did it in a self-defence mode so he is letting it go" Anjali said biting the inside of her cheeks a wide smile spread across her lips. 

"How can you randomly do that, Le? I told you to be careful with your hands and legs, at least my brother didn't meet his worst faith" 

"Dude it's just my reflex I can't help it '' Anjali mumbles, rolling her eyes. 

"Yes, almost killing the other one he did not file the complaint against you or you would have bee-" 

"But isn't he just breathtaking? '' Anjali mumbles blankly staring ahead of her. 


"Ding-dong-jun dam this sounds so haaattt!!" Anjali squeaks like a little girl shaking both of her hands. 

"Ding-dong who?" 

'Oh damn how can I forget she won't get it' 

"Whose ding-dong bell are you talking about?" VIddhi raises her bow a smirk across her face biting over the bottom of her lip showing off her teeth. Rubbing her thumb and index finger over her chin almost closing the right side of her eye,

'Ah she took it wholesome other way, dam this girl needs holy water 

Brain: So do you

Me: Yes especially for you brain 

Brain: Damn it how can I forget I left this job!!

Me: I see you still working man

Brain: …..'

"Our judge dam why do I feel I'm falling for him already" Viddhi said playing with her fingers. 

"Our Dong-jun" placed her elbow upon her knees resting her chin upon her palm turning her head towards Viddhi making the stands of her hair fall in front of her face. 

Only to make her smile disappear in response looking at the tense face.

"Now what's wrong with you?" Anjali asked for a few seconds. Viddhi didn't say for a few seconds as she just signs at the end. 

"What's the matter? Vid now you are the one making me worried?" Anjali asked

"Ah well it just maybe I had called you and I thought it was you but-" The door swings open just to see Dong-jun entering and closing the door behind him. Making Viddhi gulp in response. 

"The meeting time is over, you have to leave now, it's almost the time you to go back" he said, looking towards Anjali. 

"And you need to rest don't forget that day after tomorrow is the first day of the competition" 

"Wait, the day after tomorrow?" Anjali asked.

'Wait wasn't it was supposed to be a day after tomorrow or something that means it should have been today. Wait how can I forget about it oh noo~' 

Brain; Expectation!

Me: …. 

Brain: still doing my job 

Me; Good to see you are

"Yes, we have to skip the entire schedule because one person disappeared and someone made a huge crisis" Dong-jun continued turning his eyes towards Viddhi who gulped in response playing with her fingers. 

"I'm sorry for the trouble" Anjali mumbles under her breath bowing her head 

"It can't be helped as you didn't choose to jump in front of the car," Dong-jun said making Anjali freeze on the spot. Hands clutch into a tight fist making the vision in front of her gets blur. 

A hand placed over the hand of Anjali snapping her out, blinking her eyes a few times lifting her head up to look towards him.

"It's okay," 

"Mr Kim, can she stay here? I don't want to be alone?" Anjali asked, biting over the bottom of her lips, staring towards him and then back at her Viddhi. 


"You know the rules don't you, she has to be back by the time," Dong-jun said with a smile placed over Viddhi's lips as she got up from the chair leaning towards Anjali to give her a hug.

On the other side, Dong-jun just glares at the girl feeling the warm sensation over the back of her. 

"You know the rules, Anjali I hav-have to go," Viddhi said. A sudden shiver runs through her feeling as if her heart is going to burst out of her chest. 

"But Vid-" Anjali paused looking at Viddhi's face nodding her head in response,

"Ok just give me a call when you reach okay" 

"Okay I will '' Viddhi smiles and here opening her bag removing the small pack of Anjali favourite chocolate cookies making her gasp in response throwing it upon her lap. 

"You never forget one reason I love you so much!" taking the cookie pack in between her lap biting the lower of her lips.

"Now shuu go away you got to reach too as it takes 2 hours to reach from here by public transport," Anjali said waving her hand making a confused expression fall over Viddhi's face.

"How do you know it takes 2 hours?" Viddhi asked Anjali's hand to freeze in mid-air as the smile fell off her face.

"Oh, that I know you know how I like to-" 

"You don't have to worry about the public transport there you will 

"You called me?" the door opens once more, making Anjali to stare towards the door, making a wider smile spread across her face. 

"It's her to make sure she reached safely," Dong-jun said looking towards Steve entering as he nodded his head in response. 

"Yes why not-So are you going to go?" Steve asked, looking towards Viddhi who was still staring at Anjali with a worried look over her face. 

"Ah, dont worry I will be okay! Lol, I'm not a kid who would easily get scared okay" Anjali said waving her hand at Viddhi. 

"Just call me if-" 

"Vid just go you are making Steve wait go I will be okay" giving a light push over her arm Viddhi nods her head in response. 

"Just take care okay" 

"I will not goo shuu '' Anjali smiles waving at Viddhi watching her as she walks out of the door. For a split of a second, the smile disappears from her face and the hands fall down her lap.