Non-confess Rejection

"Ah, dont worry I will be okay! Lol, I'm not a kid who would easily get scared okay" Anjali said waving her hand at Viddhi. 

"Just call me if-" 

"Vid just go you are making Steve wait go I will be okay" giving a light push over her arm Viddhi nods her head in response. 

"Just take care okay" 

"I will not goo shuu '' Anjali smiles waving at Viddhi watching her as she walks out of the door. For a split of a second, the smile disappears from her face and the hands fall down her lap. 

*Third POV*

Lifting her hand up getting over her thump noticing now that there is still one person inside the hospital room. 

"Mr Kim you can leave you, don't need to worry about me" Anjali said

"I was going to leave now seeing that you are doing well I guess it's okay to leave you," Dong-jun said

'I didn't even expect you to wait here' the smile spreads across her face nodding her head in response. 

"Yes Mr. Kim it's okay" Dong-jun gives one last glance while walking towards the door. Only to pause hand hovering over the knob hearing the opening of the rapper given by Viddhi a moment ago. 

Turning around without a word Dong-jun takes the packet of cookies from the hand of Anjali making her freeze on her spot.

"You can't eat this! It's junk food," Dong-jun said, lifting it about his head, making Anjali's eyes go wide in response.

"Wa-but Mr. Kim has proteins, calcium in it and that's really important for me now. Please, can I have it back" Anjali gulps looking up at the packet of cookie eyes moving along with it. 

"You can't have it, it's a solid substance and it's not good for you outside food" Dong-jun said, turning around to walk away. 

"But the apples I had before and oranges were solid too and they were from out too sir then why can I have these" Anjali said, making Dong-jun freeze on the spot turning his head. 

No words come out from his mouth just staring right into her eyes. The sad smile over her lips a weird feeling rises up his chest. The eyes which didn't even meet his own rather than her stare were upon the packet. 

'She isn't worth it' 

"Mr. Kim, weren't they hard too?" Anjali asked not really taking off her eyes from the cookies 

'The audacity he has to take my cookies, if only he wasn't the Judge that thing would be in my hand by now and one death body' 

"They were" 

"Then it's okay to eat that too" 

'She isn't worth it being by my side'

'Why did he had to take my cookies it's not that its his or should I risk it Ding-dong-jun' biting inside of her cheeks with the blank lifting her eyes up finally to stare back at his. 

'A human-like her would never be able to. Why? Why is she, my mate?' 

'Just give me my food you brat' 

"Are you okay?" Anjali asked the face which holds anger now clucking the packet he was holding. 

'Waaaa why are you harming the pack dont you know that cookies ughhh I want to clutch him as he is clutching the packet'. 

"Why?" Dong-jun asked out of the blue 

"Why what?" confusion falls over Anjali making her raise her bow in response. 

"Roy Anujili is your name right?" the name rolled out of his tongue for a split of a second making Anjali rethink what he really said. 

"No, no, it's An-ja-li" she pauses, rolling her tongue at last as he just stares at her lips with the blank expression over his face. "Anjali" she smiles with her eyes closed opening it again this time just to see him standing beside her, making Anjali turn her head towards him. 


"No Mr Kim its the 'An' of Ant 'Ja' the first two words of Jackpot and 'li' of little" dam for ja I wanted to say. 

'Ja.. ja ... ja kabutar ja ja ja(go go go piegeon go go go)' bitting inside of her cheeks trying not to sing the song. 

"So taking it together with its like. "An-jaaa-Lii" 


"It will be okay if you say after me" Anjali said with a smile over her face as Dong-jun nods his head in response looking at her eyes. 

"Ju-just look at my lips and repeat after me" taking a deep breath as she licks over the bottom of her lips. 


"Aan" Dong-jun repeated after her just staring at her lips how it moves 

"Ja its Jaa" 

'Kabutar jaaa~ ja~' 

"Jaa" Dong-jun breaths out this time blankly staring at her lips. 

"Li" blinking her eyes as she breaths 


"Yes Li now say it all together Anja-li" 

"Anjali" her name rolled off his tongue making his eyes to go wide in response lifting his gaze up finally staring at her. 

"That's good progress my name isn't that hard" clapping her hands together with a wide smile across her face. 

'Just give me the cookie package and get the hell out of here' 

'this is the time it's now or never' 

"I reject you, Anjali Roy," Dong-jun said

Making Anjali eyes to go wide in response, making her blankly stare at him with her lips parted. The time around her as if it has finally come to stop as if it has caught her breath in her throat. 

'Its hurts' 


'Why does it hurts?' 

"I Kim Dong-Jun reject you as my-" 

"Why are you rejecting me?" Anjali asked hands clutched into a tight first her own nails digging into her skin. 

'Why does it hurt? It's not like I even liked him? In that way? Why do I feel like crying no don't cry, you can't' soon the blank look over her face takes over folding her hands over her chest. 

"I just did and now you are nothing to me" 

'What is that for patting his head this brat took wholesome wrong when he is the one jumping up on me and here. I didn't even propose him he is saying rejecting lost its brain cells more than me' 

"But Mr Kim when we were a thing, I'm sorry to say but for what I did earlier I think you have taken it in a wrong way when I didn't even do anything," Anjali said, feeling her chest getting tighter than before something heavy had been dumped upon it. 

"Dont smell, Don't come near me, don't touch me, and don't kick me," Dong-jun said throwing the packet of cookie upon Anjali's lap. Glaring at her turning around only to stomp out of the room shutting the door behind him. 

"What the hell just happen" Anjali mumbles under her breath picking up the packet of cookie. 

"Wh-what just happened?" lifting her hand up feeling the tears rolling down her cheeks one after another as she gulps in response. 

"Why the hell am I crying?" chuckling looking towards the door as it starts to get blur. 

"Well, when did I even propose to you to get rejected by you Kim Dong-Jun..." biting the bottom of her lips opening the packet while taking the bite of her cookie. 

"Brat!! Bakaaa!! Pabo!!! Stupid!! pagall!!(insane) I curse you dont have a sex life for 6 months curse you that ding-dong really burns in hell" sniffing in response taking another bite of her cookie. 

"Banana-oh nana no doughnut for your banana you ding-dong!!" putting the whole cookie into her mouth the tears that just kept on falling down her eyes. 

"Take my cookie next time I will take your ding-ding-dong-j-jun" Anjali sniffs at the end biting over the bottom of her lip removing another cookie.