The letter

"I wish the dreams were real or only if I never wake up even its nightmare as the reality is scarier" - Anjali Roy

*Third POV*

"Laaa~laaaa~lalalal~a letter for me!! let's open up and read you, baby!!! What's written inside you~," Anjali sang jumping upon bed sending her bounce up back on the bed. 

Holding the letter in her hand sitting alone in the bedroom with her wet hair water dripping down her shoulder upon the towel around her neck. 

The letter Anjali received a few days ago by someone named Alpha calling her mate. Making confusion falls over her of what kind of her first fan letter it is she has received. 

Scratching the back of her next breathing out tear open the envelope removing the paper that was inside. 

"Lets see what kind of letter I got as I have been busy dear and now finally I got the time to open it." taking to the letter as if it's an actual person.