The food later turning off the happy mood

*Third POV*

Stood by the wall with her hands folded over her chest listening to the entire conversation, the self-talk of Anjali she was having with her own. 

"Luna?" Hyunah grinds her teeth together, the eyes almost turning in the shade of yellow. 

"Hyunah-Hyunah do you need something?" Viddhi asked snapping the girl out of her thought making. 

Hearing the voice of Viddhi right outside of the door making Anjali eyes go wide in response. Looking down at the letter she is holding in her hand, folding it inside the envelope and hiding it in bitten her balloons under her bra. 

"Do you need something?" Viddhi asked once again making her nod her head in response 

"Ah it's just I needed pads as I, my period today and I forgot my dates were near so I thought I would ask Anjali for it-"