The reflection

*Third POV*

"Wait isn't that guy works her what's his name wasn't it from J will it be okay to text or call him?" picking her phone up turning around holding it right above her face. 

"Oh yes, it's Jaesung!" finding his name over the contact list a smile spread across her lips reading the name she same him as.

'Lifesaver glasses Jaesung' chucking upon the contact she saved as bitting inside of her cheeks.

"Will it really be okay to talk to him well I can't really be unsocial forever as Vid said I have to come out of my world my small space? At least he isn't as rude as Ding-dong"

Anjali signs in response getting up from bed while holding the phone with her other free hand. Staring all around the room which seems to be some type of private room.