No words under moon light

*Third POV*

"Be careful Jaesung who you hurt" he mumbles under his breath his tongue licks over the pinky finger. Making the blood trickle down from the corner of his mouth he turned his head sideway 

"I'm just doing what you said the deal you made" 

Just to see his reflection screaming something but no voice reaches to his ears. Only his mouth was moving, taking his step forward towards the mirror.

The reflection now stood up as the same height as his wearing the same type of clothes as his own. The wound upon his had slowly started to heal as the skin was joining back together. 

"Dont worry Jaesung I will keep my-no our Luna save" placing his hand upon his reflection upon the mirror which warps its hand upon its own. 

Tight grip upon it as if it was trying its best to pull it on only made the Jaesung who was out to chuckle in response looking at their joined hands.