The act

*Third POV*

"Let it be Vid lets ignore the attention giver" Anjali still with her back turned towards them. 

"What did you say you bitch" Anjali rolled her eyes in response trying her best to drag Viddhi along with her. Only to fail in response who seems to be stuck on the spot.

"The audacity you have to curse her" clutching her hand into a tight fist. 

"Well, I'm not cursing you what's your problem huh just be out it's between me and that attention seeker." 

"Vid let it be, they are just extra characters who will be there barking like a dog in the background in the empty alley," Anjali said, still trying her best to take Viddhi along with her. 

"No-Li, it's too much. How many times are you going to keep on ignoring her? They will just keep on doing more," Viddhi said, placing her hand upon Anjali, making her shake her head.