The act with extra's

*Third POV*

"How can you kick me with the leg of your, I-I was just trying to help you," Anjali snapped, holding her elbow closer to her chest. Letting more tears fall down from her eyes. 

"Wha-what I did-did nothing, what are you even talking about" Liea said with shock all over her face turning her head towards the curtains then at Anjali who was smirking at her. 

"Why are you bullying me pl-please stop it" Anjali cried making Viddhi snap out of him though.

"An-An are you okay omg" Anjali gasps as Viddhi tries to get the hold of her hand only making her hiss in response to seeing her elbow has turned red. 

"LEIA STOP IT ALREADY STOP IT YOU ARE TAKING IT TOO WAY FAR!!" Viddhi snapped glaring at her just then hearing the footsteps heading towards them. 

"What happened" the others arrive along with the familiar faces Ōta, Koishi, Hyunah along the other participants one after the other.