
I propelled my hand forward ensuring it was hardened. The result was devastating. As each of the ten balls struck they would throw the poor kitty in an array of directions. The first one struck and hit its hind legs kicking it off balance. The others then proceeded to hit it further and further into the air as it moved as if trying to gain balance but, as if it was planned the last one hit it square in the chin. Soon it fell to the ground contorting in pain, even its armor was scratched. It was vulnerable and I wouldn't let up.

I soon hopped on top hardening my hands delivering blow after blow to its head. It sounded like two pieces of metal were being slammed against each other. The result, its head kept bouncing back up off the ground and every time it did, I would send it back down.

Each time I pummeled its head into the ground the crater behind it got larger. There was now blood gushing out of its mouth, yet, I had no mercy. I continued my assault venting back the pain it gave me, soon it was unmoving, the assault had carried on for three minutes. I was angry after all.

When I realized it stopped moving, three minutes later, I stopped. Its armor was fully intact with only a few scratches as if the black paint had rub off. This was a testament to its strength. The strength that would soon be mine.

I grasped it by the neck, and though heavy, strengthening my body I was able to put it in a choke hold. Turning its neck to one side entirely, as far as it could go, I paused, it was then I felt a faint heartbeat and a breath. That was what I wanted, pouring all my strength into my hands I tightened my grip and twisted its neck to the other side with all the strength I could muster, as fast as I could. There was a sharp and loud cracking and snap before the heart beat and breath could be felt no more.

I was woken up by the alarm once more, but I did what I wanted to do. As I looked down on my body the transformation had gotten to my thighs and forearms. I was plated with black armor that overlapped. My fingers had the usual inch long nails, but this time something was different. My eyes, I could see clear, too clear, fingerprints on the door knob, on my phone and the small hairs I had shed that were yet to be removed.

As I looked into the dresser's mirror what I saw sent shivers down my spine. I was looking in the eyes of a stranger, of an animal maybe, no a demon, as black as the void, the abyss, my eyes had implanted fear into the very being who had them.

They were pitch black and had a little glisten to them. They were the panthers eyes but now that they were mine and I could see them up close, they were scarier. I looked dead.

Though controlling and condensing the mana into my stomach, I returned to normal, no claws, teeth and definitely no dead eyes. I was in shock, the world I had come from didn't allow this, now I did it with ease. I was scared, of the people and what they could do.

Not wanting to frighten my self anymore I started my daily routine but this time as I followed my daily routine it was interrupted. As I arrived downstairs I could see manikins and black material by the yard on stands, as well as rolls of leather, thread and the like.

"Took you long enough!" Mrs. Rose exclaimed with a smile on her face and a determination in her eyes.

I walked over and could see that she was making clothing, but for who, Mr. Rockwell wasn't that tall and Rose sure as hell didn't need that much crotch space. Seeing my confusion she clarified.

"Your uniform. While you can wear anything to school, I'll have you in nothing but the best and safest, it's not as if those that want you dead will stop."

She then continued to make what she was making while I had breakfast. She hadn't asked for measurements which was weird.

As I finished my meal Mr. Rockwell could be seen entering from the back with a box that looked too big for him to carry, the same could be said for Rose. I took Rose's box as she looked to be struggling, walking slow, sweating and panting, the box even slipped a few times, though she managed to catch it before it fell.

"Haha... earth isn't my strongest affinity." She said with a nervous smile and a tiered look on her face.

"That's O.K. You can't be good at everything, at that point you'd be a real Mary Jane." I said bringing the box over to Mrs. Rose.

"Mary Jane?" She said with curious voice and a confused look on her face.

"I'd also like to know of this Mary Jane." Mr. Rockwell said with a smile.

"It's someone who's good at everything they do and are naturally talented, it usually refers to a literary character though." I explained.

"So, there are books where you're from." With those words from Mrs. Rose my eyes moved to the open back door, they knew where I was fro...

"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't pry, I know how secretive hidden villages are. My bad." She said, maybe they didn't.

"Hidden village?" I asked confused, but it started to make sense. The way they taught me like they expected me to know nothing, and when I asked about things that should have been common knowledge they answered it like they expected me to know nothing.

"Don't worry, we won't pry. If we did and they found out, I'm afraid my family as powerful as we are would be unable to take down even one of the members. So, let's leave it at that." Mr. Rockwell said with a smile.

They seemed to think I was form somewhere known as 'a hidden village' but why. What brought them to this conclusion. I didn't know and although it would be risky, I would ask.

"How do you know?" I asked scanning the room.

"Well, you weren't in the system as a citizen, not a trace of you was found so... and before you ask, of course we did a background check on you, we couldn't just invite a stranger into our home. Though in a way we still did. We trust you though because Cecelia entrusted everything to you." Mrs. Rose said with a sad smile.

"I wouldn't say entrusted." It really didn't feel that way.

"Well she knew what it meant to adopt you, if she died everything was left to you, she could have even forfeited her position to you at that point. So I would say she trusted you." Mrs. Rose said with a smile.

I was now thinking about it, I had research to do on hidden villages and noble adoptions. I had seen how easily my cover could have been blown if it wasn't for their own beliefs. Plus, I was sure to lose a fight against them, even if I transformed. I had to pay more attention to myself.

Mrs. Rose finished with her tinkering and called me over. Rose and Mr. Rockwell followed.

"Wooow... as amazing as ever honey." Mr. Rockwell said as his eyes widened, the same could be said about Rose.

It was the correct reaction too, any less than that and praises would be blasphemy. It was a single breasted long black leather jacket with an under turtle neck shirt. The pants seemed like tight jeans as there wasn't room, but it was also leather. Inside the jacket were pockets and loops as if to hang or hold something in, not to mention the two gun holders on the outer thighs that wouldn't be visible. They were fitted with a belt that had the same loops and a container that was thin ran down the leg, the cap being at the top.

Mrs. Rose soon explained her creation.

"Gun holsters for the weapons we've chosen to give you, pistols, pockets for small devices, contraptions or bombs, loops for throwing and standard knives in the jacket and on the legs, and a container for which ever element you choose to use. And the best for last, nanocarbon, spell, curse, enchantment and mana strengthened leather for optimum protection, it would take a C.M.B to even begin hurting you. Now to do this six more times so you have spares." She waited for no ones approval and started on the next.

"She's good." I said satisfied and impressed.

The words she'd used had clicked, and although I didn't completely understand I knew I would be safe.

"I'm the weapons smith and she's the armor smith, what did you expect, this is the Theia house after all." He said with a smile watching his wife work away.

For A moment I had forgotten where I was and the situation I was in. I was getting used to the house, but I would soon be leaving, for school and for a new life.