
It took a few hours but by evening she'd hit her goal of making six more. They all looked the exact same, none were shy of quality.

"Done! Now to get some sleep, if you need me I'll be upstairs." She said dragging her feet towards the stairs before escalating away.

"Alright Psychí, time to pack these up with the rest of stuff that she bought for you." Mr. Rockwell said admiring the clothes.


"Them." He pointed at the two large boxes he and Rose had brought. "While on her trip, knowing that you were here and the situation, she went on a shopping spree for you, or so she says." He rolled his eyes at the last few words.

As I opened the boxes I was met with all articles of clothing; shoes, belts, shirts, jackets hats even masks. They were all there. It was clear that it was time to leave, everything was in place. The day would be used for preparations. I even asked Mr. Rockwell about training, he told me he had nothing to teach me and that I was to prepare for the journey.

As I ravaged through the boxes I choose what I wanted, and unfortunately, they were all black. Though just in case I packed a small amount of other colors, just in case.

What I'd been given to pack was not a suitcase but a cube, a solid black metallic cube with a detachable belt on it, it was five cubic inches. It had seams along it that further split it into four cubed corners. Needless to say I was confused.

"Ahhhh... I'm supposed to do what with this now?" I asked tinkering with the cube.

"First remove the belt, secondly tap the four squares in a clockwise pattern once and then again anticlockwise." He said gesturing." Once this is done place it on the floor and give it a square meter of clearance, two actually. Then wait."

Following his instructions, I did as I was told. Putting the cube on the floor and stepping back it soon began to glow. The seams to be exact, a dark green, then it separated, spreading out with one meter of clearance between the standing cuboids and in that space a small room that seemed to fall into the floor a cubic meter. Pure white, it was hard to tell where the walls had stopped and the floor began.

"What is this?" I asked reaching my in and out of the space, trying to see if it was an illusion.

"It's a storage cube or S.C for short, you're probably wondering how it works as it seems to break the laws of physics" He started to smile, he was now in teaching mode. "However, how it actual works is with a contract, by giving a spirit what they ask for you can be given something that regular magic just simply cannot achieve. With this specific item that, is a wormhole to a room, though we don't know where these rooms are, we know they're safe.

"Oh, can I make a contract?" It seemed useful, I was curious to as if I could add it to my arsenal.

"Of course... well not necessarily, you'll need a catalyst, a direct channel of communication with the spirits, like a treasure or something of that nature."

It was simple, give to receive, there wasn't even equivalent exchange. The spirits were like people, a little impulsive, so based on their mood they might even give you the contract for free, as long as it wasn't inhumane or too powerful, they were happy to oblige. I took a peek at my two rings that I had conveniently forgotten, they were catalysts, although I had no clue how to use them and wouldn't just tell him what they were, I'd find out on my own.

This type of packing was weird, I was picking up the clothes and setting them down into the room, it was like I was already there, I packed up everything I wanted. Though in the middle of packing Mr. Rockwell disappeared and returned with ammo, there was more than one type, three and a lot of it, this meant I was getting more than one gun. He gave me boxes of throwing knives and regular knives and replacement containers, and finally, guns.

"Here you go, specifically made for you." He said handing me a broad black suede box.

As I thanked him and opened it my heart started to flutter. It was the two pistols for the gun holsters.

They were jet black and polished with golden dragons breathing fire up toward the nozzles. The handle had a golden outline filled with golden flames. Its safety was a button just above the crescent trigger that glowed red when the safety was off and white when on. There was also a dial for automatic, burst, single, cannon and mana which obviously surprised me. It looked like a 44 Magnum sized Glock 22. It was perfect, and surprisingly light for its size. The Theia crest was also on the gun below the barrel, blood red.

I was also given a box filled with magazines, they didn't look like anything special, if anything they looked material efficient and disposable, having a large gap broad side that almost stretched the length of the bullet, barely keeping them in.

"Thank you, for everything." The words seemed to manifest themselves.

"Don't mention it, it's the least I can do for the son of Cecelia."

As I finished putting everything in the S.C Mr. Rockwell disappeared and reappeared again, at least that's how fast he had left and come back, I had blinked and missed him.

"These are also yours." He handed me a card and two boxes, one almost as tall as I was and the other four feet.

As I opened them I was met with a sniper rifle and a rifle. They were in the same design as my pistols, the sniper. The sniper looking like a blockier version of a Barrett MRAD and the assault rifle looking like a blockier M-14 there curves replaced with corners.

As I looked at the card I realized what it was, it was not a card but instead was like my phone but limited. It was like my wallet, it had my I.D, my gun license and a debit card. The gun license was strange since I didn't do a test but I just went with it, the other strange one was my debit card.

"Why?" I asked holding the card in my hand.

"They're necessary, you'll need money, I.D and your gun license if you plan to carry your guns around, don't worry as a noble it was easy to get you the license. Though wait until they teach you properly before you use the guns and carry them around. I have no doubt you'll excel." He said giving me a thumbs up and a smile.

"And the money?" I asked confused. I could see the balance, and while I didn't know how much one quid was, I could only assume five hundred thousand of it was a lot.

"You inherited Cecelia's assets remember, you're a multi multi millionaire. As for the account, Mark, I mean Mr. Sentari set it up and sent it over. So don't worry, it's yours."

"How do I use the card?" Having the money was good and all but if I didn't know how to use the card I was basically broke.

"Just swipe over to the card and hold down your thumb on the screen for five seconds to activate it and set your finger print and password. After that when you want to use the card they'll have a small mat like thing that you'll hover the card over, they'll look different from place to place but you'll recognize it."

I did as was told and set the password and my fingerprint, Mr. Rockwell then gave me a demonstration. He took the card form me and as soon as he touched the screen it shut off. When I got it back it turned on, I was also to hold down the screen to confirm a payment. It was way more secure than I thought, as if anyone else tried to confirm the payment it would shut off.

He also gave me a black leather wallet, it was thin with two pockets, one for the card that served as all of my cards and the other for cash, it was as if they knew black was my favorite color.

Putting everything away I left out my wallet, phone and a set of the clothes Mrs. Rose made for me. I was leaving the next day after all. I also tried to put myself in the cube but it would not close, it was when I got out and triple tapped one cuboid that it finally did.

I was surprised to see it was night, and late at that, I was so focused on my packing that I didn't see the time.

Eating something, I had a shower and went to bed I was ready for a fight too.