My Own Place

I walked through the capacious room, scurrying across the black rubbery floors as I browsed, large circular lights gave depth to everything around. It was completely different compared to earth, tablets attached to stands, bars with glowing ends, cycling floating stairs and rolling suspended belts that kept you in place.

"Hello sir, my name is Kevin, how may I assist you today?" He smiled as he looked up at me, his black straight hair blocking his eyes.

"I want all the necessary equipment to... basically have my own gym." I wanted to get back in shape, a belly was coming on, an unwanted one.

"Ok...Mr..." He tilted his head from side to side slowly.

"Francis." I said looking around.

"OK Mr. Francis, how much space are we working with here?" He pulled a tablet from beneath his arm and turned it on. "One, two or three?"

The tablet had three models, all with different sizes. Each with a varying amount of shapes.