One In A handful

It was the one hundredth and forty-first circle, the one hundredth and forty-first attempt, the one hundredth and forty-first minute... and the one hundredth and forty-first failure.

It had been a week, a week of none stop attempts... attempts to summon... something... anything would do, yet nothing came. It was the same every time, morning, evening, noon or night.

The warm white dimmed to a cold and distant black and stayed there, then nothing. Hours upon hours, and nothing. It didn't matter how long I left it open, how much mana I used, what time I did it, nothing came out. I was at my wits end, this would be my last attempt, and it had failed.

"I'm done..." I said rustling to my feet from the grass of the field.

"You sure?" She said tilting her head.

"Yeah..." I sighed in defeat. " I've wasted enough of my time, and more importantly, yours." It was silly to continue, so I stopped.