
I strolled further and further and still, there was nothing. I headed back, a little worried, concerned. I headed inside to take my mind off the situation, there was nothing I could do anyway.

My research was done, which meant I only had my armor and weapons to pick. The only problem was I didn't know the floor to go to, or if I was even allowed to. I headed for the second floor to find Mrs. Eos and ask her.

When I got there I was met with empty halls and silence. There was no one. I walked all the way down the hall and still, nothing. Considering my options I went to the third floor, and there I was greeted with noise.

The sound of crashes, bangs and screams were odd, but I followed them. They led me to the room across from the conference one. Strangely, I had to manually open it, sliding it to the side, it was unusual.