2.The See saw

Shagi kept her coat between them and took a deep breath, she was so tired due to the long walk from the studio, she was relaxing herself by massaging her toes, she heard a kid's crying voice, she looked up and saw a kid in front of her sitting on the see-saw who was fighting with his father, they got her attention.She observed, the argument going between them was to lift the see-saw but it was not easy for that father to lift kid up so he tried to keep the kid to step on the ground but that kid didn't like to feel his feet on the ground. Whenever he felt his foot touching the ground he started to cry, he wanted his legs to flew in the air.

Shagi was looking at the kid and father for a long time her lips extended lightly when the father was shrugged.

Shagi thought people belives this was a sacrifice and the kid didn't have the maturity to understand his father's difficulty. If he did, he never allowed his father to strain.

"God Damn", Shagi told herself, "I think the baby has more maturity than his father, at least he asks what he wants. He attempts his one of the known ways like crying to achieve what he wants. and he can quickly change his mind if his attempt was failed. Honestly, these types of people never fail, see the child is still playing the see-saw with his shrugging father", Shagi smiled to herself, asked herself "Why does this man doing this even he couldn't stand it? I agree that he wants a smile on his child's face but it's not the primary reason behind it. The major reason was he frightened about his child's cry that annoys him very much. Though he lifts the see-saw for the second reason, he believes he was doing this for the first one and feels like a very kind and generous person. He should remind this incident to tell the kid,' See, my boy how much pain I'd endure in seeing a smile on your face, Crap!", she said to herself and keep watching the swinging see-saw with shrugging father. She liked to laugh loudly, but she controlled herself when she realized that she was sitting beside a stranger.

"You have to dig a little deeper", CK said without seeing her face. Shagi glanced him with jerk.

"Are you talking to me?", Shagi asked him with little astonishment, her eyes were looking at him, she can't take her eyes, she doesn't want to. She didn't angry with him, she felt very glad to hear from someone about her thoughts - because she never said anyone her thoughts, she always murmured with herself, sometimes she had supposedly told her thoughts to her friends and ended up making fun of her, so she discourages herself to tell anyone her thoughts but this man was the one who heard her and replied her first.


"What do you mean by that? Did you eavesdrop on me?"

"Honestly, in beginning, you murmured loudly then I liked to hear more so I did."

"Oh, What were you trying to say? Could you tell me clearly?" She liked to talk to him.

"You think that man is the only man making mistake, Don't you?"

"Yes," she said with a curious voice.

"I do not think so, both were making mistake."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Okay, you seem very curious," CK said with a mocking smile" By the way before anything, May I know your name please?"

"My friend calls me 'Shagi', What's yours?"

"People nearby call me CK," he said, she looked at him with little anger: seems understood the word people." Shagi, look at the see-saw it was very easy to swing the see-saw if both were on opposite sides but they didn't do that? Do you know why?"

"Because it led a chance to the child to fell down."

"Yeah! here they both wanted the safer zone, the kid also wants his father to stay with his side and the father also wants the same. If you have seen this from the father's view he wants to swing that see-saw with his child's side obviously quite harder comparing to other side but the chance of his kid falling down is none, simply risk is zero.Now look from his child's point of view, he wants to play with holding his father's hands, he doesn't let his father to other side because he was afraid of falling down, so they both don't want to cross their safe zones - but my point is one day they must playing in opposite sides means they gonna change then the father won't shrug and the child come out of his fear, my question is why doesn't that day is today? why don't they cross over their safer zones today?" CK turned towards her and asked the last question straight to her face.

She remained silent for some time, she understands now the story is crossing over her life too.She would like to ask him something which she doubted so long. She asked herself" who is he? Why he saying this to me? Why was I loud? Can I ask him my questions? If I ask What could he think about me? Am I comfortable with him?" While running those type of thoughts in her head she heard herself said to him ,"That was awesome speech" with mockery and added "but my question is- by sitting like this we can easily say any thing as a audience but the fact is they are the players.

He slowly turned toward he said "Here I guess more than 50 people are there in that maybe only one or two can possibly play with their kids by taking opposite directions." his voice turns into low"Shagi, to achieve the success there will be two possibilities- without risk, competite with bunch, try hard with painful shrugging then getting success and the other one was taking some bloody adrenaline rush in our life, with joy, with a feeling like a man, with a feeling like a ruler getting do or die risks and getting success even if you failed definitely you won't regret for it. You are the one to decide your path. Now try to come to the second one, Shagi,"he said with a smile-shows he found her.

"How do you know?"

"By your question.The player who taking risks are never tells about their difficulty in their risks, you told don't you?"

"I did," looking the ground she said herself.