3.The Colleague

"Is the clock running slow?" " No stupid! You were seeing it four times in a minute. Just come back to your work." "How can I possibly work after heard what he said?"- the thoughts going around in Jim's head. Kim told Jim that Shagi gonna join their company today since then he was crazy. Jim's eyes stick with the doors he doesn't want to miss her arrival.

"Jim, what's happening to you?" Jim heard Kim from his behind he turned around saw Kim sitting at his table. "Nothing" Jim replied and turned to the door.

"Kevin come here please" ,a voice came from the opposite cabin. "Yeah, coming Jenny" Kim said, knocked Jim's head with amusement then went to the next cabin. "Hey Jenny, Why did you call me?"

"What happened to Jim? He is kind of weird today." Jenny asked Kim.

"Shagi is coming." Kim said

"Who is Shagi?"

"She was our classmate in college, our best friend too, We used to hang out together." goosebumps came from Kim.

"What's her full name, Kevin?" she asked with little curiosity.

"Her name is Sara. We used to call her Shagi"

"I guess Sara is quite shorter than Shagi," she said smilingly, swinging in the seat.

" I don't know she started first by calling me Kim and Jim as Jae."

"Jae?" suspiciously she asked.

"Yeah! she called Jim by Jae, she said it's his short-form like Kim for Kevin, how pity! she changed his one-syllable name into the single letter so purposely Jim named her by Shagi since then I stick up with that.

"Yeah! we used to hang out as Kevin said but we were not close, " Jim said to himself. "We both were close to Kevin but We two were not. I used to stay with Kevin, She used to sit next to him in classes when we were in college, so the chance of being together was less to us." "Yeah, I named her Shagi but I never called her by that", Jim screamed within him when he heard Kevin from Jenny's cabin. "Because she never called me by Jae, she made that name cause of Kevin's compulsion not for me. I wanted to spend more time with her, it happened when Kevin didn't come to the college but the fun fact is Kevin had an attendance percentage of 98% on college days." "Bastard", Jim said looking at Kim with little anger.

It was 10 minutes past nine, the door was opened, a fair girl came in. Her hair was hanging on her both shoulders, she wore a black shirt and dark blue pants, a slim chain with a single stone glaring around her neck. Her silver bracelet was swinging with the rhythm of her walk. She came across the floor and entered straight into HR's cabin. It happened in few seconds but it had gone like an hour to Jim. His mind is now filled with only one thought "Call her Shagi."

After an hour, Jim saw, she came out and asked someone who standing right next to her. That man pointed his finger at another one, she went towards him; Jim knew that was the trainer who gonna train her. She introduced herself to the trainer then they both were coming towards him; he got a jerk and hid into the cabin and starts to type something, his action gave the impression of a man who diffusing a bomb in last minute. He felt his heart beat when they were getting closer to him, he forgot all even her, his mind had only one thought "Call her Shagi." They reached him.

"Jim this is our new trainee name- Sara," He slowly looked up, she looking straight with him, she showed neither excitment nor shock to see him, she simply smiled at him - indicating that she already knew that he is working here


"Hey, Jim." She said without losing her smile.

"Do you guys know each other?" the trainer asked.

"Yeah, we were classmates. Hey, Sha- Sara." Jim said to Sara. "Damn it",said to himself.

"Okay, then my work got sorted, you don't mind to sharing your cabin with her.

"Ofcourse not",

"Sarah, Please take your seat, I guess Jim will lead you from now. Do you mind, Jim?"

"Nope", he said which are not come to his ears he heard his mind "she gonna sit right next to me."

"Sounds good!. Ms. Sara if you need anything further please let me know." the trainer shook her hand and went back to his cabin.

Sara standing right next to Jim, their eyes caught each other's for a second and got away in another second. , he forgot to ask her to sit, actually he can't open his mouth. They both knew- they didn't talk since trainer gone. They both wanted to break the silence.

"Hello there! Who is this blacky?" Kevin screamed and coming towards them.

"Kim, What are you doing here?" she asked him with little high tone of excitement; Jim glanced at her with little shock of the word Kim.

"She started again", Kevin said to Jim hilariously , he came straight and stood in between Jim and Sara.

"Shagi! When did you come?" Kim asked her

"Its been an hour",

"Jim, Why didn't you tell me about her."

"Actually I saw her just now", looking down Jim said; she was looking straight to him.

"Fine, Did they give any cabin to you,Shagi?"; "Andrew told me to share my cabin with her",Jim said abruptly giving no time to her to speak; he was frightened of Kevin, he may get her to his cabin.

"Okay then. Shagi, I'll see you in the evening" Kevin left the place.

"Jim, When will you going to ask me to sit down?" she asked with innocent smile.

"Oh! Sorry Sara, Please sit down this is your PC."

"Thank You"; they both turned to their PCs