Welp considering I literally have no choice in the matter given the gun to the head. Guess I have to reveal the beautiful secret to how I remain trapped in this mortal coil despite my best efforts.
From what the doctor told me on that fateful day my body's regeneration was a "miracle of modern science," his words not definitely mine. Whenever my body sustains any type of damage my brain automatically goes haywire. Like fireworks, signals are sent across my body, speeding up my metabolism like nobody's business.
In this sped-up metabolism, fats and other nutrients get consumed to fuel the creation of new stem cells to replace the lost ones. Bone, muscle, blood, and other tissue all come back way faster than the average person. As my inner demon would tell you, I can even regenerate whole limbs or reattach lopped-off ones to make them work.
Unfortunately, that's where all the benefits end. If those Monarchy of Misanthropes has taught you anything, it's that my regeneration has plenty of holes. I still very much feel every ounce of pain dealt out to me and my regeneration is still far slower than what you schmucks must be used to so I can still very much die with enough abuse (just haven't found the right amount yet).
Though it seems that my regeneration is going through some evolution, so this could change soon enough, we'll see. And of course, the more grievous and widespread the injury, the more nutrients my body spends to heal it, leaving me exhausted most days. Sometimes if I don't get enough in time the healing process will slow down or stop altogether, or I can run the risk of dying through malnutrition (fun).
I also still need oxygen, so any ridiculous wound to the head or heart could punch my ticket. Finally, as an added "bonus" to insult to injury, I don't get any added benefits to toxins and overall mortality. Meaning I can still very much get sick and die. What are my stats? Um I don't know but I bet it would look like this.
Strength: 5/10
Speed: 4/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Range: 1/10
Bottom Energy:10/10
Tier: Lower Level
Yeah in terms of mc's I'm exactly where I belong: completely below average. Some of my hardest strikes have left ordinary people heaving, but there are better, faster strikers. I would like to thinK I've got a good concussed head on my shoulders though.
I've spent a lifetime reading people both in and out of combat, and I've gotten a good glance at how they tick while using my ability to painful extents. Overall I'd say that's about it though. After all, in this world you have to use what you got right? Whether you like it or not.