WebNovelThe Cons81.19%

Catcall Part 5

Sometimes, I wonder if "he" managed to figure out my secret by now, or hell even knows that he just lost another part of his seemingly endless private connection. Despite the status we left for the public, our relations were pretty much as strained as you can get. But then again, our relationship was far more business-related than pleasure.

Either way, knowing or not knowing, his reaction was still a little arousing, not going to lie. Our little ridge gave me the freedom I needed to have little "dates" like these. As I said before, my adventures have taken me all across Krimo. As a big fan of those finer details, I love watching and waiting.

I perched upon a building with a set of gargoyles as I saw the world around buzz past in a storm of colorful lights. From there, half a dozen tales unfolded right in front of me. A definitive alcoholic looking for his next hidey-hole, a woman who was testing her "open" marriage, and a couple of teenagers who have a promising future in Krimo's long list of delinquents turned criminals.

I must have sat there for what felt like hours in my time before Eternus made his elaborate entrance.

"Next time, can we maybe try to pick somewhere a little less perilous," he yelled down as he repelled down on a complex but still shakingly put-together rope that was clearly of Port's making.

It didn't help that Eternus' approach was dangerously amateurish, eventually losing track of his momentum and landing with a snap that bruised his right ankle to hell and back. However, uncharacteristically Eternus didn't even bother to react, instead of taking a seat for himself.

His attire looked rather silly in concept as he wore a torn-up faded red puffer jacket, ripped jeans, and his signature black cape that billowed in the turbulent January winds. Ironically though his pure apathy at his outfit made it magically tied together as I adapted.

"I'm surprised you decided to come alone."

"I didn't, Gum and Frag are sniping us from above and the rest of the Cons on the wheel of the Hovercrap," he said while pointing up.

"Right, I keep forgetting that you're adamant about using protection, ironic given how much you get hurt," I said, noticing he still mangled right hand.

"True, but I would like not to take any chances I don't have, not if we are going to do more missions up here. Especially if we are going to have more surprises like in that warehouse," he said in a mix of resolution and negativity.

"Yeah, I guess I threw you through a loop, huh? Though I'm glad that means we'll be seeing a lot more of each other at least," I said excitedly.

"I guess so, but that still leaves me asking. Why the hell did you decide to meet up here? Cause if you're worried about your secret, then don't worry, it's not like I-" he said in rather grave paranoia.

"Eternus, if I gave a crap about my secret, I wouldn't be doing all this in the first place. Hell, if I wanted, I could've honestly killed you back there, but I don't want to. You guys are frankly too much fun, and I am not a killer. Sexy, suave, sophisticated, and super maybe, but I'm no killer. So I just wanted to talk to you, Eternus, honestly. Can't I catch up with an acquaintance I haven't seen in months? I swear for someone who managed to get Omna running scared, you sure are antsy," I said cavalierly.

"Well, if you knew the full story, then you'll understand why I stay worried," he said while gaining a gruffer voice.

"Then go ahead and tell me, Eternus, I'm all ears," I said, cutting out the theatrics completely.

Once again, a moment of sheer hesitation clouded over Eternus' face, forcing him to twitch in the sense of fear. I could tell he wanted to speak but was holding back.

"I doubt you would want to know," Eternus said in almost leering worry over my reaction.

"Oh, come on, that isn't fair, Eternus. You can't leave me hanging like that. I do want to know," I said curiously.

"I already told you, Eternus, because I want to catch up and I want-."

I saw Eternus defensive mechanism activate at that moment, deflecting it all onto me.

"Okay yeah, but like, why? Why do you want to know or even care about us? Hell, why are you even doing all this in the first place? Do you know how many people would want to be where you are-."

At that moment, like a flipped switch, rage overtook me, digging my fingers so hard into the building it started to crack. That small detail was more enough to stop Eternus dead in his tracks. Realizing what he's done, he silently retracted his petty displacement while I took control of the conversation.

"You of all people should know that power like that has a price Eternus. And believe me, when I get done, my husband will pay for it. But since you already know my secret, then fine, I'll share first then you, is that fair?"

Realizing the wager in front of him, Eternus decided to satisfy his curiosity and agree.

"Okay, deal."

And with that, I revealed a secret that would probably break Krimo in half if it ever came to light.