WebNovelThe Cons82.18%

Catcall Part 6

I heard that a famous quote people like to use Pre New Wave was the titular "a tiger can't change its stripes." In many ways, our superhuman society has shown that this simple quote holds far more weight now more than ever, resistance be damned. After all, for most of us, our powers are as inherent to us as our breathing, so how can you tell us not to use them? Especially if you are born with nothing with a hunger for everything?

That philosophy guided me to the fabulous woman I am today as I followed the only role models I've ever known: the timeless storybooks of many other "heroes" that took what they thought was rightfully theirs. Combine that with my powers, and would it be annoying or fitting to say that life became a steal.

From petty pickpocketing to sneaky steals, I managed to make it on my own in the lower levels, with no home, no friends, and especially no family. But, then again, I wasn't precisely lonely; after all, how could I when I got surrounded by such riches? Eventually, I made a little bit of a name in these lower levels, on par with an urban legend.

Yet despite my seemingly steady stream of cash, I felt miserable by the time I reached the fringes of adulthood. Maybe it was my power, or perhaps it was just some sick fetish I had concocted over the years. Either way, by the time my conquests became effortless, an persistent hunger started to persist within me.

At first, it was like a light buzz, something that I could easily ignore with another meaningless distraction. However, all too late, it became all-consuming and even unbearable. I needed to run, I needed to get stimulated to get tested, and I knew that I couldn't find one in the lower levels. So eventually, I dove in deeper.

Krimo is a bit of a funny place in its criminal hierarchy; despite most of its crimes coming from the lower levels, anyone who knows the more delicate details acknowledges the real fun that happens in what comes from above. Most of the organized crime here was lower-level gangs, remnants, and rules leftover from a bygone era to add some form of order to a majority of chaos, fearsome out of legacy only.

However, take a step above, and you'll see where most of the heavy hitters lie. The masked men, the gimmick gunners, and mad scientists all started to collect over, gaining more notoriety and control as the titular supervillain with all the challenges that came with infamy.

As the years rolled by, the barrier for entry in this tier became easier as villains soon became branded and symbolic as their heroic counterparts through the top dogs in the upper levels. This eventually led to the runoff that created the many hidden interwoven connections in the Krimo underworld.

These connections can go both ways, meaning that despite what the police and media of Krimo suggest, it was all connected through the three levels as far as crime was concerned. This means that an even not so powerful villain can still make a living with the killing so long as they can find the most accurate connections and strategic plays. And as I've explained before, the latter was my proverbial bread and butter.

It took a little time and a lot of tasks, but eventually, I gained the favor of my little "helper," an individual that had already made their mark as one of Krimo's worst and darkest. And like that, I ran around Krimo like a virus, finally obtaining the excitement I've always thirsted for.

Just like that, my heists got bigger, my gear got more sophisticated, and my escapes became far closer. So close that it was only a matter of time before I started to get into fights with other heroes. Long-arm Lenny, Bug Boy, Hangman, and Ruin were all the chumpest of change as I trounced them utterly.

They may have lacked The Cons charmful ambition, but they at least managed to fix me up just enough for the next heist in mind. Every time I walked the streets or saw a news article on me, my excitement was all the more. After all, there is almost nothing more satisfying than getting the proper admiration for your achievements.

Though I guess I played the part of the phantom thief too well because I got far more than I'd ever bargained for.