Wasted Time

Morning came again with Caroline lazy to move, her sentence was over and she wanted to rest now. Moreover, Sena was not in their room because of the Heat period and it was clear that Sena was locked up in a special room.

Caroline must have been happy because, in the end, nothing bothered her. His eyes were still closed, ignoring the sunlight that was starting to enter the gap in his bedroom window. If you remember that she is not a girl who likes to wake up early, of course, she prefers to sleep then wake up in the morning.

Yes indeed for the past few days he woke up in the early morning just because she was serving his sentence and now that time is over she is free. And Caroline was going to spend the day sleeping all day, but she heard a knock on her door.

His body moved to open his beads which still felt so heavy. She could hear a voice telling her to open the door but Caroline didn't care and closed her eyes again with her body covered by the blanket.

Caroline felt comfortable going back to sleep ignoring the person who kept grumbling in front of her room. The woman stared intently at the bedroom door, which was still tightly closed. Did the owner of this room die in there, if it died then that would be more troublesome than a door that didn't open?

"Idiot..!! Caroline, you'll be in trouble if you don't wake up now!!"

The woman screamed in a loud voice but there was no answer from within, for some reason she became annoyed that she had to be the one in the middle of a situation like this. Time for him to find Luis to help him wake up this sloth.

When he thought about it, she was often annoyed that Caroline was late to help him. But why should she be in a position that doesn't benefit him at all? If he came back without Caroline he would get a glare from the Alpha.

Ah.. just thinking about it for some reason makes Jennifer even more scared, even though she's the best magician here but still, the Alpha is too scary when angry.

"Caroline..!! Did you know I could die if you don't come out now!!"

It seemed like his voice would run out and she had no other choice but to break the door than she saw the Alpha angry. Jennifer quickly cast her magic and shaped it like a room key but she was surprised to find that the real room key was in the keyhole.

"Why did I forget!!"

Jennifer hit her head for forgetting such a common thing and she casually kicked Caroline's door without feeling. His voice was so loud that Caroline was startled by the wide-open bead.

"What the hell!! You disturbed my sleep you know!!"

Caroline's voice was heard and Jennifer was getting more and more annoyed because Caroline had been sleeping, she quickly knocked on Caroline's door again. Caroline resigned herself to it, she opened the door to her room which seemed to be about to shatter if hit by that person's kick one more time.

"Oh... Jennifer, what's wrong?" said Caroline with a hand that rubbed her face like a wake-up person.

"You!! Did you know the chairman was looking for you!!"

Jennifer was pissed off and wanted to destroy anything right now as long as this annoyance disappeared. But he was made more and more intolerable after seeing the look on Caroline's unconcerned face. He felt like he wanted to blow Caroline to pieces right now.

"Then why? Don't worry, I'm already immune to that stupid Alpha babble"

Caroline answered with a straight face and went straight into the room ignoring Jennifer who was still standing in front of her bedroom door.

"Oh yeah .. just say I'll come to him this afternoon" Caroline continued glancing at Jennifer for a moment before laying back down on her bed.

Jennifer laughed looking at Caroline who had closed her eyes, let alone a trial for her now. Was this his unlucky day, she felt like she wanted to drag Caroline away to see the Alpha right now. And quickly she walked over to Caroline and pulled Caroline's blanket.

Caroline was shocked but Jennifer didn't care and immediately grabbed Caroline who was screaming. It didn't take long for Caroline to immediately let go of Jennifer's hand.

"You don't understand human speech, do you!!" Caroline was annoyed, she glared at Jennifer who was also annoyed now.

Luckily she had just been pulled in front of his room, if it was far what would his fate be. She still wore shorts and only wore a light shirt. She would be cold if she went out dressed like that, especially since she wasn't wearing any shoes now.

"You have eyes, don't you!! Is my appearance right now for you to pull out of the room?"

Jennifer was silent as she stared at Caroline's appearance which did not deserve to be out in this cold air. It had been winter since four days ago and if he had brought Caroline there looking like that it was clear that Caroline would be cold.

"Okay... I'm sorry about that but it's also your fault that you chose to ignore me and sleep!!"

Of course, Jennifer was upset, who wouldn't be upset if she was ignored like that. But Caroline didn't care, because she didn't think it was her business.

"You wait here," said Caroline moving into the room to find her coat and intend to change clothes.

After being deemed appropriate, Caroline immediately washed her face and left the room looking at Jennifer, who looked calm, "Isn't it done...!"

Jennifer nodded and walked with Caroline following behind her. The two of them didn't say anything during the trip until they could see the angry Alpha in the female dormitory's room. Jennifer was sighing in fear that Caroline would be in trouble again.

But Caroline herself looked normal with her hands busy in her tousled hair.

'I forgot to brush my hair,' thought Caroline seeing her really bad hair.


The voice made Caroline look up to stare lazily at the angry-looking Alpha. Would she care? Who told him to call him at bedtime? Even Luis wouldn't dare disturb her sleep if it weren't for her father.


Everyone there looked surprised at Caroline's morning greeting, instead of apologizing for being late Caroline greeted them instead.

"Don't you know how long I've been waiting!!" said the Alpha staring intently at Caroline who shook her head slowly.

"I don't know... like five minutes or an hour," Caroline said laughing after saying that.

"Oh.. not exactly forty-three minutes"