
Caroline's body staggered with Alpha's aura piercing her sense of smell. She glared at the Alpha who was glaring at her angrily, Caroline knew she was wrong but was it worth pushing a weak Omega.

Looks like the word weak doesn't suit Caroline, she's not a weak Omega who wants to be bullied just because of the difference in status. Caroline got up to look at the Luna who kept bothering her. She knew Luna Berdine had good intentions for him but the Alpha didn't like it and Caroline hated it even more.

"So now you're going to show your fangs!"

This was no ordinary remark, Caroline was mocking the Alpha man in front of her right now. And Caroline wouldn't care if she ended up getting battered later. Caroline tilted her head at the Alpha in annoyance before glancing at Jennifer who was standing next to her.

Alpha in front growled furiously feeling how he was humiliated by a flawed Omega like Caroline. He didn't accept it and immediately moved closer to Caroline but was held by Luna "I beg you to hold your emotions"

"Why should I be held back? Don't you want to see me die!!"

Maybe this was wrong because she was still putting oil on an exploding fire, but from the start, Caroline didn't like it. She didn't like how Alpha looked at him the first day she arrived, and how Alpha was behaving. If she says wrong then she is wrong but he doesn't want to be bullied constantly.

Just once and he doesn't want anymore!!

"I'm useless here but I'm also a part of you!!" Caroline revealed something she had been hiding for a long time.

A truth that he is a part of them, even though she is not perfect she is a part of them. No matter how many times you refuse, everything will not change if he is a werewolf that they will need later.

Let's see how long the leader Alpha man will act arbitrarily to him. How long will he continue to distinguish status to that extent? Not polite! It was clear she was disrespectful to people who were never polite to him.

Luna Berdine looked worried for Caroline but Caroline didn't need that right now. She needs more acknowledgment that she is part of them than to get the low view he should be seen badly because his behavior is not.

"Now I'm going to ask you who's the leader here! Have you ever considered the Omegas as part of your squad or did you think of them as a nuisance and just useless Werewolves?"

The Alpha jerked Luna Berdine's hand and immediately grabbed Caroline's neck, Caroline even laughed mockingly now. Caroline could see many other werewolves watching, clearly because they were outside the front of the leader's room at this time.

And Caroline will not stop here "why are you silent!! Can't you answer it because you think we are just useless dust that deserves to be thrown away!!"

Caroline's breath started to catch on as the grip got stronger, Caroline's hands just dangled without wanting to stop Alpha's hand. It's no use, that's what Caroline was thinking now. Luna Berdine ran over to try to stop her Mate.

But it would be a waste, this Alpha guy was insane. Caroline was even sure that this Alpha couldn't be nice to her Mate.

"Please stop Mate!"

His voice was so sincere and Caroline smiled slightly because of that, though Caroline's eyes still glared back at the Alpha. She couldn't breathe anymore but the Alpha threw her quite hard, Caroline's body hit a big tree and even the tree was crushed.

Jennifer approaches Caroline trying to help Caroline but Caroline refuses and gets up on her own.

"Do not interfere!!"

There was a reason why Caroline was doing this, it was all because if her Lycan form appeared later there would be a commotion in this place.

And the ones who will have a hard time are the Alpha man and Caroline wants to know if he can accept if there is an Omega who acts like a leader. And the man did not pass the test, Caroline spat at the taste of her blood. His beads didn't find Jeremy and Luis.

Whether she should feel lucky or feel unlucky Caroline doesn't care, with a body that can't walk properly Caroline approaches the Alpha. His laughter is still the voice of this situation "why are you playing physical when I was only asking you"

Caroline glanced at the other Omegas who were frightened by the leader's Alpha aura. Unlike him who wasn't much affected by the Alpha's aura, she felt it but did not affect his body. Perhaps it was because she was the last daughter of the Lycan.

"Answer with your mouth!!"

The Alpha clenched and intended to hit Caroline's face before Luis came to become Caroline's shield. Caroline was surprised, she realized it too late. Even though she was sure Luis wasn't there then where did he come from and since when "Luis..!!"

Caroline helped Luis to his feet, it was clear the punch was no joke. So did the Alpha man intend to hit him like that, he couldn't believe it and looked directly at the bruises on Luis' cheeks "you have your fangs out now..!"

"You'd better die!! You crippled Omega!!"

Caroline looked at the alpha bead and immediately got up "don't Lin!!"

Luis tried to restrain Caroline but Caroline instead let go of his hand and immediately approached the Alpha "how do you know that I am disabled?"

Caroline laughed after that, she still couldn't tell the truth but Caroline wanted to know how this funny Alpha would react.

"You are indeed a cripple!! If not you would have become Edgar's leader!!"

It turned out that because she was considered so low, his status as a descendant of an influential noble turned out to be the reason Alpha made such an unreasonable decision.

"How about making a bet? If I am handicapped then I will respect you as you wish but if I am not disabled then you must respect me!"

Everyone was shocked to hear what Caroline said, it was clear to them that Caroline couldn't win. Because the defect label had been attached to the back of his name ever since he came here. But Caroline didn't care she just wanted to see how they looked.

"Sounds like you intend to give up now?" The Alpha was mocking Caroline but Caroline just laughed glancing at Luis who didn't understand his way of thinking.

"We'll see, you or I fall!!"