No Changes

She had to undo his intention, due to the heat that ran through his veins. It was so suffocating that she couldn't even breathe properly. His lungs seemed to be forced to stop breathing oxygen, everything was blurry with the pain gnawing at his body.

His voice was hoarse, trying to raise his hands as high as she could to send a message to the woman she already considered his mother. And she hoped that his consciousness would remain when the woman came.

"Caroline..!" a woman's frantic voice made Caroline look up, smiling faintly at the dark purple bead.


The woman shook his head quickly, tugging at Caroline's extremely sensitive body. It wasn't long before they moved to a place where it was just the two of them. The woman opened the bedroom door and immediately led Caroline in there, dropping her on the bed that was there before thinking about what to do.