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A week went by, and during that time Selena and Lugh were annoyed at Caroline and Frey's constant refusal. They were fed up with the egos of the Mates who didn't want to be selfish with each other right now and it was finally over.

Selena prepared all the food for them for breakfast this morning, where Caroline and Frey were able to meet their still weak bodies. And Lugh felt sorry for those who ended up going through Heat and Rut's time alone without each other's help.

"You stubborn bastard!" said Lugh sneering at the Lord sitting next to him with a languid look on his face and a pale face that had been sleeping deprived this week, and Caroline was no different.

They both look pathetic to the point where Selena is worried about their health but it's different from Lugh who keeps on sneering.