"Micah" my voice sounds throughout the entire room. why on earth was she having sex with Landon. They pull away at the sound of my voice, covering themselves up. Micah glares at me anger written all over her face.
"why did you barge into my room?!" she yells after putting herself together. I give her an incredulous look. Is she joking with me right now.
"I came here to congratulate you on your wedding and I find this" I say gesturing to the both of them. My initial plan was to come here and laugh in her face but now I have to suspend that.
"The only reason you are in my room is clearly to laugh at me since I will be marrying Lord Viktor not like I want to anyway" well she knows me well
"That's true but I've been gone for about two days so I am bound to miss you darling" Landon just stands at the corner not knowing what to do. Micah turns to him and whisper something to him. He smiles at her and walk out of the room bowing slightly when he gets to me but at the same time not sparing me a glance.
"You can leave now Minerva" she says with an evil grin.
"Don't call me that" I warn and she laughs" just leave already"
"Fine. why don't I just go greet the King and the Queen and tell them now I met a bride to be having sex with one of the king soldiers" I am the one giving a sly smile now. Her eyes widens and she runs to my side.
"you wouldn't right?" she asks cautiously.
"oh darling..I will"
"please don't. Father will kill me" she panics.
"Oh will he?" I ask and she nods. of course he will. King Darien is a very wicked person.
"Then you shouldn't have slept with his soldier. You are getting married today and you do something like that" it's just unbelievable.
"One day you will understand when you fall in love" love.wait! Micah is in love?.
"Are you serious?" I ask.
" Yes I love Landon so much" she blushes
"I am in love also" I tell her. I think I am. I mean I like Lucian right.
"No you are not" she says.
"I am. I like Lucian"
"No you don't. It's obvious you are not in love" she says casually sitting on her bed.
"what do you mean by that?"
"Do you feel butterflies whenever you are with the human boy?" butterflies? what does a butterfly has to do with love?.
"How do you know he is human?"
"You left two days ago and now you are back claiming you are in love, of course it's a human you probably met" well she's right, anyone could have guessed that.
"How do you know I am not in love with him?"
"Are you seriously asking me that?" she asks me and I shrug causing her to groan.
"what fae am I?
"A dark fae" I answer. she looks at me and shakes her head.
"I know numskull" I glare at her and she laughs and I soon join her. Micah and I had never joked around before and this is like a change.
" I mean my specialty" she says once she stops laughing.
"oh that...I think whoring around" I say and she attacks me with Fae magic but I am fast to see it and I dodge it.
"I am not a whore and I am a love paragon"
"oh I almost forget you were Cupid" she glares at me.
"I am not cupid who goes around making soulmates fall in love, that is why light faes who are love paragons are so lame" The light faes were good unlike Micah and her kinds. Instead of making people fall in love, they make people fall into an illusion thinking they actually love each other and when the spell clears , the victims will never remain the same.
"Thanks so much Eros" I say getting up about to leave.
" I am not Eros. I am just saying light faes are lame. No offense"
"one taken"
"Well I just know you don't love Lucian, but you are going to meet someone soon. Be prepared" she says and walk out the door to go get dressed.
Few hours later, it is finally time for the wedding. I had taken a nice, warm bath and dressed in a beautiful attire. I proceed to the great hall where the wedding will be held. As I pass by the throne room, I hear loud noises. I peak inside to see Mother in full Fae form, horns black as the night and her black wings sprawled out. I see King Darien in that way also. it only mean to they are angry. I walk into the room and that's when I see Micah not dressed in her supposed bride regalia. They all turn to me.
"oh you are back"Mother says.
"Yes. I wouldn't miss Micah's wedding for anything" Not like I would have cared two days ago but after our little conversation earlier, I have hopes we can make it better.
"There's not going to be any wedding"King Darien finally says. No wedding. Why? it is then I finally take a good look at Micah and notice her face stained with tears.
"Why?What happened?" I ask all three who look like they aren't ready to answer.
"Lord Viktor left" Mother says. left?
"Left. but why?"
" I am done here and Micah you better hope that by tomorrow, I should be in a good mood" King Darien says and storms out. I give mother a questioning look and she just walks out without acknowledging my question.
"Micah" I reach out to touch her and she pushes me away"don't touch me"
"I thought we were good" I say
"I thought so too but I was foolish to think that you could be my friend" she walks to the door.
"but I want to be your friend. what did I even do?" I ask. I don't understand what is happening.
"Maybe you should have thought about being my friend before you went behind my back to tell the King about Landon and I. Lord Viktor is gone now and thanks to you, Landon has been stripped off his title" with that she slams the door and leaves. Lord Viktor? when did I even see him tell him such thing. I would never do that. I might not be in love but I know how it feels to cause someone pain. Why would Micah think I did it? afterall, I am not as evil as the dark faes all are.
I run to keep up with her but as soon as her gaze find mine, she apparates to God knows where. I feel down and I shouldn't have come back in the first place but as I am thinking about that, the only person who was the reason I came back home appears.
"Oh Darius, I miss you so much" I say as he runs into my arms and I hold him tight. I miss him so much.
"Let's go and play" I almost forgot. Of course the only reason he probably missed me is just for his game but I am not complaining. I completely love it because they help take one's mind off thoughts and that's what I need right now. I hold his hand and we hop outside.