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16: A helping hand

"I know what that teacher has been doing,"

"You do?" I asked.

"It's not the first time this happened,"

I look down.

"And I'm not talking about what happened to you," Siren said pointing at me.

"I don't want that to happen to someone I know again,"

"Was it--,"

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT," Siren said cutting Himei off.

"I'm here to help, even if I don't really like you, so you better be thankful," Siren added.

I smiled at her while wiping my tears.

"Thank you," I said.

Siren starts blushing for some reason.

"Y-yeah, It's not a problem," Siren said while looking away.

"So what are we gonna do?" Samantha said.



"Did the creep tell you any time or place about it?" Siren asked.

"He just said to meet me after class,"

"I'm sorry to touch on this but, where did it happen before?"

I try not to get too emotional so I could give a clear explanation.

"He took me to his car and drove to an abandoned building,"

"It was really dark and the whole place is really wide,

"Maybe we can do something about this," Siren said.

"I'll call my driver to tail his car, we'll see where he'll go," she added.

"What do we do after that?" Samantha asked.

"We call the cops on him when he stops," Siren said.

"That's pretty good, but I don't like the idea of leaving Pauline with that creep!" Samantha said.

"Yeah I don't like that as well," Himei said.

"Don't worry, I'll call my dad directly so he'd be the one to respond," Siren said.

"Oh yeah, you're dad is the chief of the police force huh?" Himei said.

"Yep," Siren proudly said.


"Yeah? What is it?" I said.

"Keep this, it's a recording device," she said as she hands me a small mic.

"Wouldn't this be a little obvious?" I said.

"Just keep it in your pocket,"

"The things we can record can be used to back up a case against the creeper,"

"And it also functions as a tracker so we'd know where you'd be," Siren added.

"Woah, where'd you get all this stuff," Samantha said.

"I always have one just in case, you know, police father," Siren said.

Wow maybe she's not so bad after all.

"Thank you for all this Siren," I said.

"It really means a lot," I added.

She smiled widely.

"At least now I could make a difference," She said.

"Don't be afraid Pauline, we'll be here for you,"

"E-even though I hate you and everything," she added feeling embarrassed.

Samantha and Himei start laughing.

I laugh with them, just happy about the fact that I have someone like them to help me in this trouble.

I wish I could've met them sooner.

"Thank you, everyone, for being here for me," I said as I start tearing up.

"I'm glad I have a reason to not be scared anymore,"

"Everything will be fine," they said as they start to hug me.

"We'll get through it together," Samantha said.

"You won't be alone anymore," Himei said.

They both smile at me.

"I-I'm not really good at this kind of talk," Siren said while turning red.

"B-but, I know everything will be okay," she added as she smiled at me.

I smile at the three of them.

For a while a forgot about the trauma I felt that day.

That day, he did everything I never wanted.

Something I wasn't ready to experience.

He made me feel like I'm some sort of toy.

He played me and left me there after.

I never wanted to tell anyone in the house, it's not like they'll listen.

I don't even seem that important to my parents.

But all and all I'm glad I have my new friends with me.

I got a reason to not give my life up.

And I won't do let my fear get the beast of me anymore.

I will fight back with all I have.

Knowing I have someone to back me up.

"You three," I said.

"Don't die before me okay?"

"Wh-- Pauline? Where's that coming from?" Samantha said.

"I don't want to make myself look stupid crying so loudly in your funeral," I said and laughed.

They all laugh.

"You don't have to feel like that,"

"We're just happy that we have someone like you to make us feel special,"