WebNovelWhat I Am94.12%

15: Not

"Miss Pauline, you're alone?" Someone asked

I tensed up as I recognize that voice.

"S-sir Kulog," I said

"I'm just gonna sit myself down here,"

"Y-you don't have to do that sir, I'm just waiting for Samantha," I nervously said

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not doing anything wrong,"

I couldn't say anything.

"You don't want me to repeat what I did to you before, right?" He whispered.

"N-no sir,"

"Now that's a good girl," he replied

"That friend of yours is getting on my nerves for quite some time, it's a good thing she's not here now,"

"I might have to do something about her,"

"Leave her out of this!" I threatened.

"Then you know what you have to do," He said.

... I sit there in silence

"I'll see you in class," He said before leaving.

I start crying the moment he left.

A bunch of people kept looking at me but they didn't seem to mind.

I don't want to do this.

Himei gets to the cafeteria and sees me.

"Pauline, Hey--"