
Last Night

We eat lunch at 3 pm, then went to rest for a while. Tomorrow's our last day here in this beautiful place. So, while Ralph's sleeping, I went to the souvenir shop. Few people have recognized me, and I let them took my picture and autograph, then went shopping. I was in the middle of buying when somebody taps my shoulder. It was Monique.

"Sneaky." I chuckled. "You shopping too?"

"Yup." She answered while scanning the t-shirts.

"Not too tired huh."

"A bit, but I want to spend some time with myself."

"Being emo aren't we?" I teased.

She just laughs at me. Then attack me with a question I didn't expect. "Are you and Raine together?"

I was startled. Luckily, a little girl approaches me and ask for my autograph. But she didn't drop the subject.

"You know what Adam, Raine told me that she likes you. But afraid that you might not like her. You being famous, and she as an ordinary girl. And the fact that she's engaged with another guy."

I don't know if I should believe her. I'm just too shocked to absorb everything, but she continued.

"She's happy when she's with you. She's the same girl I've met when we were young. I'm so happy that you've put a smile on her face and you're trying your best to make her happy always. I just wish that you'll become her boyfriend instead of that Arthur. I really don't like him-" Monique tried on the hat then put it back on the rack. "He's hurting her so much. And her dad, he's the reason for all the sufferings Raine experience. Her mother can't do anything about it."

So it was her dad that's causing all this pain to her. Just because of their stupid business.

"Why? Are you saying this to me?" I asked her.

"Isn't obvious? You must do what you must do. When you get back on the road and Raine on their house, you will never get the chance to be with her again. Her father will lock her up once more. And Arthur will beat her up again if she didn't agree to what he wants. I don't want it to happen again. And I can't hide her anymore Adam."

"What do you mean hide?"

"She's been living in my condo for a month now. No one knows where it is except for Ralph. That time when I told you to drive her home. Remember that? (I just nod at her) Her parents were out of town and it's the only chance she has to go home. And when you drove her home to pick her things, Arthur was there, looking for her. She was afraid that Arthur might see her car, so she ordered you to bring her somewhere."

That's why she was very afraid. I can't imagine those things that Arthur would want Raine to do. That stupid guy. He has the guts to do that to Raine.

We paid for our items and went out of the shop. We went straight towards our hotel. When we were in the elevator, I thank her for telling me everything.

Ralph just came out of the shower when I returned to our room. "The girls are planning to spend the rest of our evening on the beach. You know, as our last night here." He said while toweling his hair.

"Sure no problem," I put the paper bags inside my closet. I stretch my arms up then sat on the couch. "Too bad it's our last day. Stress again for the rest of the year."

"Yeah, me too. I have loads of things to do when I get back. I just wish we have a lot more time to relax. Right? Just like before, when we were younger."

"I agree."

We have our dinner first then headed to the beach. We were wearing sweatshirts, cardigans, and long pants. The wind's cold tonight and we stay beside the bonfire.

"This is the best vacation ever!" Exclaimed Tina.

"Monique, thank you for inviting us. We get the chance to meet Adam in person and your big brother." Added Kim.

"Nah! Don't mention it guys. I'm so happy that you guys are here with us. And, you must upload our photos immediately!"

"Oh, that! I've already done that. And our classmates were very jealous to see Adam with us. They're gonna kill us both when we get back." Referring to Kim.

"Don't worry about it guys. I will give you some signed albums. You can give them that if they attacked you." I said and we all laugh.

Raine's quiet and she's not looking at me. Is it that, she's sad because this is the last time will be together? I cleared my throat.

"So Raine, what will you do when we get back?" I asked her.

"Dunno." She said simply. I looked at Monique, she just shrugged.

"Guys, you mind coming with me?" Monique suddenly said.

"Where to?" Asked Kim.

"I just want to check out those bars there. Ralph, wanna come?" She's eyeing Ralph meaningfully.

"Of course. Of course. I want to drink." He stands up along with the three girls.

"We'll be right back," Monique said with a wink at me. They walked away. I look at Raine, she's staring at the fire with her head between her knees, and hugging her legs.

I moved closer to her then bump her gently. "Hey."

"Adam." She simply said without looking at me.

"You ok? You seem so sad." I noticed.

"It's our last night. We're going back to our normal lives tomorrow."


She looked up at me, there was sadness in her eyes.

"Why are you so sad?"

"I don't want to go back." Tears starting to swell in her eyes.

"Hey. Don't be sad. We can still do this next time."

"I don't have next time. Our wedding is next month!" She shouted, and burst into tears.

"You don't have to marry him, Raine. I want you." It just burst out.

She leans away from me. And I just started confessing to her.

"Before I met you at Monique's, I've been dreaming of you. I don't know if you're alive or if you were just my imagination. But when I saw you, everything just falls in its place. It's you I wanted. All my life. I love you, Raine."

I wipe off her tears. She just looked at me, searching for any lies in my eyes.

"It's you I wanted all my life," I repeated. She smiled at me, my most favorite sight in the whole world.

"I love you, Adam." She whispered. I hug her. Her words are the most beautiful words I wanted to hear.

My heart is exploding with love and happiness right now. I just can't explain this feeling. I tighten my hug on her. Then all of a sudden she pushed me away. Puzzled, I looked at her. But the happiness that I saw in her eyes a while ago was gone and was replaced with horror. I followed her gaze. At first, I saw Monique with the same horror. That's when I saw him, at the edge of the pathway, Arthur's standing there, watching us.