"...three weeks ago 2 journalists were abducted at around 0600 hours from their hotel rooms and ASG just claimed that they have them asking for ransom. As we all know we do not negotiate with terrorists so Delta team was sent to retrieve since you haven't returned yet however we got an intel that they too were now captives." Brigadier General Quintana narrated as he showed the footage the leftists sent us.
As soon as the last word the General said left his mouth we knew right there and then that we have yet to have another mission though we just came back from one.
The mission has been laid out as well as the assignments of each member of my team - yeah My Team the Alpha Team from the Special Forces Regiment (AIRBORNE) of the Philippine Army.
My Team is composed of 7 individuals: Rick Gamboa aka Spark Plug, Arthur Rodriguez aka Sparrow, Paul Abraham aka Midnight, Bryan Ferrer aka Cloud, Donnie Ecalnir aka Shadow, Rommel Alcazar aka Kenshin and me aka Striker. We are the best of the best in the Philippine Army and we are the go to guys when all else fail.
Having said that and as head of the elite team puts too much pressure on me not to mention me being a woman in a man's world.
I was brought out of my daydreaming when i heard my name, "Colonel Contreras, the general would like to have a word with you in his office." One of the soldiers said he lead the way and i followed suit.
I was lead inside and acknowledged General Quintana immediately with a salute
"Carry on" he replied as he gestured me to sit and i did.
"Do you have any idea why you're here?" He asked in a friendly tone and i knew this has nothing to do with the task at hand
"Sir, no sir." I replied.
"You're RnR has been granted." He told me, my jaw dropped and was like a fish out of the tank as i cant believe what i was hearing.
"Though its just 5days cause you need to ship out in 7days. Any questions?" He continued.
"Sir, yes sir."
"Fire away Colonel"
"How? Why?"
He then stood and tap my shoulder as he make his way to the coffee machine in his office and said "well well i knew you would ask those and to answer your question as to how; you're father, who happens to be my best friend, lets just say pulled some strings thats why you're still granted RnR despite the situation that we have and its also the reason it is just 5days instead of 15days. Now, as for the why - James was given two options 15days RnR after the mission or 5days RnR before the mission, he obviously chose the latter - you're about to meet your fiancè."
I was assaulted with the information. I sat there digesting the info i was given then its finally sinking in as well as anger and frustration settled.
"Now as your godfather, i advised you to go pack your things, go home and enjoy your vacation but as your commanding officer spend quality time with your parents for that might be the last time you'll be able to and i pray and hope not." General Quintana the thought of not being able to see my parents again and the thought of them fetching me from the airport in a casket made my heart ache.
"That would be all, you're dismissed." And with that i stood bid goodbye - salute - and exited the office.
I was in the bunk packing things when my team entered while exchanging banters.
"Whoah striker where in the world are you going?" Midnight asked while the others just settled but waiting for me to answer.
"My RnR was granted and i leave 0500 hours tomorrow." I replied
"How? We're about to ship out in 7days?" Shadow asked the newest addition to my team
"Oh you poor kid..." Kenshin said as he place an arm on Shadow's shoulder "...you really know nothing, dont you?" He continued with a smirk argh i hate him when he does this
"What?" Shadow asked impatiently as he eyes us all
"Have you ever heard of JCo Enterprise?" Spark Plug asked
"Yeah who doesn't and besides Mr JCo himself is non other than the richest man in the philipines and ranks Top 3 in Asia but what does JCo Enterprise has to do with Striker's RnR?" Shadow pried.
"What's Striker's full name then?" This time Cloud's the one asking and i just rolled my eyes at them can they just not beat around the bush an tell the poor kid - shadow - the connection. Ugh boys
"Jane Contreras." Shadow replied with a duh tone
"...and Mr JCo's full name?" Sparrow but in
1..2..3..4..5 it took a full good 5 seconds before it dawned on Shadow what the connection was
"So you mean to say our Striker here is the sole heir of that multi-billion company?" Shadow asked amusement and admiration laced in his voice and the rest of my team just bobbed their heads up and down like a mad dog as i rolled my eyes at them.
"The one and only!" Midnight concluded
"Im aware that Mr JCo has a daughter but never in a million years would i thought that she'll be my Team Lead and let alone in the Military. Did you guys knew all along?" Shadow questioned the boys
"Yeah..." Midnight, Sparrow and Kenshin answered
"Not after a month with her in the team." Spark Plug admitted
"Not at first but had my suspicions." Cloud muttered
"How?" Shadow again asked this time i was the one who answered him.
"Okay i'll say this once so listen carefully." He just nod
"Midnight and I came from the same class in PMA while Kenshin and Sparrow is our upperclass men who happens to be friends with Midnight. As for Spark Plug he happened to witnessed as my dad engulfed me with a hug and called me princess in a restaurant just outside the camp and well for Cloud being the computer geek and all figured it out using his resources then came you. CLEAR?" I narrated but my tone became low, steady and cold as i said the last word which maybe sent sent shiver down Shadow's spine as he stood and asnwered
"Ma'am, yes ma'am" which made the boys laughing hard. Man the look on Shadow's face was priceless
Being the newest addition to the team he's always somewhat left out but we see to it that he's kept in the loop - personal info about everyone else - but not without making fun of him and his situation and we're just thankful that he's not taking it personally - also the reason how he crawled his way into our team, he earned it!