Chapter 19

Jace's P.O.V

I got better on time for the finals,but for max......he got sick.I did told him to stay away but he loves me too much :) He's at home but he's gonna come with papa to the game.If we win,which we will the victory party will be held at my house,I'm worried because max is sick but he said it was no problem.

"Ready?".Trent ask.

I tied my shoes lace and stood up,nodding and we walk out the locker room.

The place was a a good way,members of our school painted their face,the cheerleaders doing their best cheers with the mascot beside them doing funny dances. Our team ran out of the field but as usual Trent and I walked,the real cheering didn't began until we were in sight.I spot dad and papa with Max in the middle.We talked as a team them got in our position.


Of course we were winning but I want us to win by far and I know my team want that too.Where I was now I was alone,Micheal through the ball way ahead of me,I print towards it,I caught it perfectly and landed with the other team player on top of me.

The place began to cheer and most of the crowd ran onto the field.We had won.I was surrounded by my players cheering as well.When I got freed I ran towards the bleachers ,Max was standing at the bottom,he jump in my arms.

"You won!".he cheered .


I pulled back and kiss him deeply,all my emotions going into the kiss.

"You're ganna get sick again".he mumbled again my lips.

"Don't care".

I took him up and spun him around.He giggled and hit my chest when I put him down.

"Go shower,you stink".he kiss my lips and ran off to my parents.

I smiled and look around for Trent,he was cheering with Jack with his dads behind them laughing.I waited till they were done Trent came over to me.We fist pump and head into the locker room,the place was noisy and when we entered our team mates cheer.

"What would we do without you two".Mike said patting my back.


My house was wild,the music was loud People on the front lawn,this huge ball going all over the place.I hope this doesn't upset max or give him a head ache.When I entered the house and in the kitchen Max was sitting on the counter with Trent on the stool.He had a red cup in his hand,he had on his hoodie but you should see he was sick,he was smiling at Trent who was being ridiculous.When he saw me his smile brighten.I hold his waist and kiss him,tasting his drink in his mouth to see if it was alcohol.It wasn't though.

"Fruit punch".he smile and I nod.

"You okay with the noise?".

"Yes its fine I'm going to bed soon though,I'm going to tell Brian and Justin goodnight".

He got up and walked out of the room.I turn to Trent who hasn't move the cup from his lips yet.

"Tell me thats fruit punch".

"Naah".he smile cheekily.

Max came back and kiss me goodnight.

"Lock the door,I have a key people are drunk here".

He nod and walk up the stairs.


The party was going good.I was a bit tipsy but not as wasted as Trent,he was sitting by the pool talking nonsense to Jack who was enjoying it.

"Jace I wanna talk to you".

I turn around and saw Michael,he had a bottle in his hand and he was smiling.I force a smile on my face and nod,he walked into the house and I followed.I took one last gulp of my drink and followed up the stairs.He went up to Max and I room and open the door.I was confuse to why it was open when I told max to lock it.Max wasn't in there though,he must be in the guest room.

Michael sat down on the bed an I sat beside him,leaving a whole lot of space.Michael move closer to me.I tried to back away but his lips were already on mine.

Max p.o.v

I woke up when I needed to pee.The party was still going on.I hope jace comes up soon.I know I'm too sick to be beside him but at least he will be near me.When I went into the bathroom I heard the bedroom door open.I wash my hands and look in the mirror,it must be jace.I open the door but it was in fact jace but he wasn't alone,micheal was with him .Michael press his lips to Jace's but Jace push him away as soon as possible. My heart ache at the sight but I was glad it didn't last long an Jace push him away.

"Michael I can't,you're drunk".

"I'm not and why can't you,because of the nerd?".Michael laugh.

"Yes its because of him,now leave I want to go to max".

I smile when jace push him away,I don't know if I should be scared about watching this or should be glad.

"Would you let Max fuck you in the ass?".

"Uh no".jace roll his eyes.

Pssh why would I want to do that.

"You almost let me did it".


"Well I can,max is not here".

Micheal move closer to Jace but Jace didn't stop him, he held Jace cheek and press his lips to his.I wanted to cry because Jace didn't push him away but kiss back.

When they didn't stop after 10 seconds I got angry.I slam the bathroom door and they jump apart.Jace looked worried and Michael ad this stupid smirk on his face.

"Hey babe".jace giggled.

Is he drunk?in a situation like this you're like 'hey babe'.

I didn't say anything but sock him in his left eyes.He fell over on the bed and he was out,the alcohol helped .Michael stood there with wide eyes.

"For a nerd you can punch".

I gave him a dead glare before I attacked him.I threw punches at his face until he push me off and ran out the door.Tears began to fall and I walk over to Jace sleeping form.

"I love you but hate you so much".

I kiss his cheek and lock the door from inside before I exit,going into the guess room and cried.