I woke up to something vibrating at my side.I open my eyes and I was in my room on my bed,well half of me was on the bed.I slid off and I was hit with an instant headache. I groan and reach for my phone in my pocket.I open it and it was a next from jess.
Great party last night,can't wait till you next one.
I can't remember anything from last night but this headache though.I got up and held my head and squeeze my eyes shut,pain shot through my left eye and i groan and walked into the bathroom and look in the mirror.I was still hot but my left eye was bruise,did I got in a fight lastnight?. I slowly strip off my clothes and took a cold shower.I got dress and look around my room.
"Where's max?".
I open my door and went downstairs,the place was tidy,they must have clean it this morning.I walked around until I saw papa in the living room,dusting.
"Morning kid,headache".he didn't look at me but kept dusting.
"Yea".I mumbled.
"Your dad shouldn't have let alcohol into that party".he shook his head."max is in the kitchen".
I nod and went into the kitchen,max was sitting on a stool,dad was washing the dishes.I went to max,sitting beside him.He didn't look at me and I wonder what it was.
"Hey babe".I took his hand in mine
"Hi".he replied and pulled back his hand.
"Jace what happened to your eye!?".dad ask,wiping off his hand and coming over to us.
"I don't know,I woke up like this".I said.
"Well thats stupid someone don't just wake u-".
"I did it".
We both look at max who was just staring at his ......peanut butter and doritos?.
He slowly look up and turn to me,his eyes were filled with sadness and he was frowning.
"I got mad at you last night when I saw you kissing Micheal,you were even going to have sex and you were not going to be top".he said and look back down.
"Woah drama,I'm out".dad said and walk out the kitchen.
That doesn't make sense,I can't remember anything from last night not even Micheal nor Max,nothing.
"I don't remember that Max but I'm sorry I really am,I didn't mean to kiss Micheal or cheat on you,I don't know why I did that".
"I know you were drunk but it still hurt".Tears fill his eyes as he speak.
"Baby I'm sorry,please forgive me,I won't drink again I promise".
He was silent for a while before he nod.
"I forgive you .....only because you were drunk.I know you wouldn't do that on purpose".he gave me a small smile and i kiss his lips.
"And I love you so much".
He smile and dip his chip in the peanut butter.
"Yea i love you but peanut butter and doritos is just gross".I told him and he shrug and ate a doritos.
"I'm sorry about your eye".he said with a small smile,caressing under my eye.
"Its okay,but if you can punch like this I would want to see you fight".I smirk and he giggled.
"I can't fight".
"Yes you can,come on punch me again".
I got up and pulled him up.He started laughing and shaking his head.
"No jace".
"Come on or I'll tickle you".
"No you can't I'm very-".
He didn't finish his sentence just took off,running out of the kitchen and up the stairs.I laugh and ran after him,he wasn't fast though and I caught him at the door to our bedroom.I lift him up and threw him on the bed,tickling his sides and watch in amaze as he laugh uncontrollably.
"J-jace ah ha ha stoppppp ha ha i-i ha ha".
"Ask nicely".
"Please stop".
"That wasn't my nice".
"Babe please stop ha ha".
I stop and allowed him to catch his breath,he was red from laughter.Now he was giggling his hair in his face he look so people like this,just like my baby is suppose to look.
I lean down and plant a kiss to his neck,he squeal and push me off.
"I'm mad at you".he pout, I smile and kiss his lips.
"And I love you".