Two months later
It's been two months since they found out about the pregnancy and all of Kai's men knows it too.The men at their house because he has people all over the world.They would sit with Jacob and talk to him,just keep his company or go out with him and Jacob like it.What he didn't know though was that Kai had sent his men to watch him whenever he wasn't around.Kai was always out.He would sneak into bed with Jacob when he knew the boy was asleep and wake up and leave.If Jacob ever saw Kai he was either angry or covered in someone's blood.
Jacob was always upset.Kai would check on him but wouldn't say a word.If he did it was to ask if he had eaten,need anything or was just okay.
Jacob had been in his room all day and decided to go downstairs.He put his slippers on and walked down the long hallway.He started down the stairs at his normal pace.
As Jacob was about to step down the last step his foot twisted and he was flying forward,he let out a short scream and brace himself for the hard floor but never met it.Kai was holding him up?When Jacob was on both his feet he looked down,cheeks red then look at Kai.
"You're not to go up or down any stairs unless someone is with you understand?".
"I just wasn't -".
"Yeah".Jacob whispered
When Kai turn to walk away Jacob played with his fingers before making a sound to get Kai's attention.The man stopped and look back at him.
"Can you...can you maybe hang out with me?".Jacob close his eyes waiting for a respond.
He got one though,Kai wrap his arm around his waist gently and they headed towards the stairs again.They climbed it slowly moving towards Kai's room.Kai opened the door and let them inside,arms still around Jacob.Jacob looked confuse when Kai took up a remote and pointed it to the wall.His mouth then slightly open when the wall separated and reveal a room.
"I've never seen this before."
"No one has".
Kai let go of him and walked over to a couch,the largest one and sat down,Jacob followed him and sat down.The man turned on the tv on the wall and went on Netflix.
"You like supernatural right?"Kai ask but he was already on a episode.
"Yeah sir".
"You can stop calling me that it's Ryder".
"Kai". Jacob bit his lip.
Kai bit the inside of his cheek to hold back a smile.
When Kai move his hand Jacob close his eyes,not sure what the man was going to do,he found himself in Kai's arms
"Relax".The man whispered huskily and Jacob sighed,relaxing.
They watch the show in silence.Jacob yawn.Kai's grip tighten around him and Jacob look up at Kai to see the man sleeping.He brought his head on the man's chest and went to sleep.
Jacob woke up when he felt something on his belly.He tried to move but something was holding him down.....or someone.When his eyes adjust to the darkness he looked around and made out Kai's room.The man's hand was on his belly while Jacob rested his head on the other bicep.He didn't want to move,maybe if he moved then Kai would wake up and all this would be gone.He was sleeping in Kai's room beside Kai with his hand on his growing child.What more could he ask for? The only thing he could do is close his eyes again because he knew he was safe.
When he woke up again it was from a sweet manly cologne.He flutter his eyes open to see Kai getting dress in a suit,he looked too hot for his own good.Kai turned and look at Jacob become turning back to the mirror.
"I have to go out Tyriece will be here,just the two of you so he will check on you every hour".
"So I'm not to leave this room?" Jacob ask sitting up.
It sounded ridiculous for him to be asking permission but he knew better.
"No,everything you need is in there".Kai pointed to the wall.When he was finish with his tie he came over to Jacob,sitting at the edge of the bed.
"You might get hurt outside".
Jacob shivered when Kai's finger trail a circle over his belly,he look up at the man and smile.When Kai realize what he was doing he withdrew his hand and stood up.
"I'm gonna be out late".
With that he was out the door. Jacob sighed and swung his feet over the side of the bed and he smiled a little when he saw a tray with breakfast,the steam still rising from the tea cup.
Every hour Tyriece came to check on Jacob,one time Jacob had been in the bathroom vomiting his lunch.Now they were both watching a movie.Tyriece notice Jacob had zoned out and waved his hand in his face.
"Wanna talk about it?".
"Just the usual,Kai hating me....".
"Okay I think it's time for you to know the truth,for me to show you how blind you are".
"The day you came and said you wanted a job.I told Ryder to just give you money and send you on your way cause you were just a kid and couldn't manage this house.He almost choke me to death." Tyriece laugh "He said he couldn't let you,he wanted to see your face everyday and maybe love you one day.When we became close you told me you have a crush on him,why? because he's been so good to you,of course he makes his love un-noticeable because he's the Mafia boss!Now you're pregnant for him and he's so distance,around you.Jacob he make sure you're okay,at nights I see him going into your room instead of his.He watches you as you play with your stomach and even picked with guest room he wants to turn into a nursery because he loves you,he's just not opened about it that's just who he is but you can make him be......force him to be.Show him your love for him and he won't have no choice but to show you his.He just needs to open up,just a little push."
With that Tyriece was out the door.leaving Jacob there in deep thoughts.
Jacob thought about it for hours,looking at everything Tyriece said,he did wake up something to the next side of his bed warm.But it still doesn't seem like the truth.Kai still doesn't act as if he loves Jacob.He needs to open up.
Jacob's back was turn to the bedroom door,he heard it opened and he slowly sat up.Kai didn't turn on the lights,just looked at the boy in the dark,wondering why was he still up.
"I'm gonna shower".kai said and walked past the bed to the bathroom.
"Hmm?".Kai said looking back at Jacob.
He just needs to open up
"Come here".Jacob said with nervousness floating on each word.
As soon as Kai sat on the bed,Jacob held his face in both his hands and press his lips to the man's.