Chapter 4

Memories of that night swam through Kai's mind.How good it felt to kiss Jacob,to taste him and to own him for just one night.He missed the boy's lips.Now they're back.It surprised him that Jacob was doing it. why?

He was so angry at himself for taking advantage of the boy that night that he can't even look at him anymore but to Jacob he thought the man hated him.

Kai didn't react to the kiss though.It lasted for about five seconds then Jacob pulled away.Regret swimming through his brown eyes in the dark.

"I'm so sorry I just thou-".

Jacob was cut off by Kai's lips back on his.His chin was firmly grip by Kai's hand while the other rested on his thigh .Jacob couldn't help but moan at how good Kai tasted,how good it felt.Kai broke the kiss slowly pulling back and smirking at Jacob.If the room wasn't so dark Kai would have seen how red his cheeks were.

"Don't be".Kai whispered moving his hand from the boy's chin to his neck.His soft slow movement was bring goosebumps on Jacob.

Jacob let out a little yawn,he usually went to his bed early but because of this he stayed up.

Kai move him up on the bed and tuck him in,planting a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"I'll be right back".He whispered and walk into the bathroom.


In the morning Jacob woke up alone.He quickly got showered and dress.As if Kai knew when he was going to come down he was waiting for Jacob at the stairs.Jacob blush and took his hand and they walked down the stairs slowly.

"I'm thinking of changing rooms to downstairs......for now".

"Your choice".Jacob smile

When they reach the end of the stairs Jacob look up at Kai and in the man's eyes were nothing but lust and sweetness.

Before anything else could happen,soft moist plump lips were press against Jacob's.His eyes widen in shock until he realize Kai was kissing him he close his eyes and kiss back slowly.Jacob felt a warm tongue ran across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth.Kai's tongue slip in,he explored every inch of Jacob's mouth.Jacob moaned when the man's tongue danced with his,he loved the feeling.

It ended though.When Kai broke he kiss his eyes went cold.

"Go eat".He said before letting go of he boy.

Jacob hated it when Kai isn't open.He just roll his eyes and moved towards the kitchen.

"Buenos Dias Jacob".The maid greet.Jacob just smile and wave sitting down.

After breakfast Jacob was walking into the living room.Usually Tyriece would be in their watching the game with some men but the room was empty.He then heard a cry of pain outside.Moving a little faster he walked towards the back door.

"No one sent me!".

A guy cried.Jacob couldn't see who it was until the guy was thrown on to the ground and Kai stood over him.

"Consequences of stealing from me is very painful you know".

One of Kai's men past him a knife,about twelve inches long.The man's hand was force down on to the wooden table and Kai raise the knife.Before he could bring in down Jacob stepped out.


Kai stopped midway and look at Jacob who was walking a bit too fast with frighten eyes.Kai drop the knife and walked faster over to him.

"Why are you out here....without shoes on?!"Kai was glaring at him while leading him back inside.

"Don't do that!".

"He deserve -".

"No he deserve both his hands,maybe he just wanted what he stole really bad".

"Ten pounds of cocaine".


Kai sighed and touch jacob's neck.He move his hand down to his waist and lead him to the staircase.

"Stay up here,it's dangerous for you to be down here".

"It was always dangerous,why now I have to stay?".Jacob ask sitting down in the stair.Kai kneel in front of him,eyes on his belly.

"Because you might get hurt,he might get hurt".Kai whispered touching jacob's belly.

"H-how do you know it's a he?".Jacob whispered back.

Jacob clear his throat and stood up.

"Just saying".

With that he walked out the door.

He's still needs a little more push.Jacob thought.One minute he'll be gentle and supportive.The next he's out the door.