Chapter 5

Jacob spent the rest of the day in the room,he didn't move when Tyriece called him for dinner.He didn't see the purpose of leaving the room when everything down there is up here,even guns.

When Jacob decided to go get ready for bed the door open.Kai walked in not saying anything to Jacob just took off his shirt.Jacob stared at his bare back,how his muscled flex and imagine he was touching them.

"What happened to that man?"he asked when he was done staring.

"Dead".Kai said putting his gun on the nightstand.Right where Jacob was standing.

"You killed him?i told you-".

"Well you don't tell me what to do".Kai growled and Jacob shrank back in the bed

When Jacob didn't say anything Kai sighed.

"I'm sorry okay?".

"Okay".Before Jacob could turn to walk away Kai's lips were on his,his ass firmly grab by the man's hands.

Jacob moaned when his tongue brush the man's and Kai broke the kiss.

"Go get ready for bed".He demand but Jacob became angry,glaring at Kai.

"I can't take it,one minute you're kissing me the next you're giving me orders.You're like a close book Kai,glued shut.Look....I don't care if you hate me but stop doing that just STOP! you don't want this child,you don't want me but you want to do things with me.I tried,I tried getting you to open up but I guess I was wrong maybe you don't need a little push you just don't like me.......I'm sorry I got pregnant for you but I'm not gonna give up this baby to make you feel better,either you man up or I'll leave.I'm sorry I even came here and fell inlove with you,the only thing I'm doing is getting myself hurt!"

By now tears were streaming down Jacob's cheeks and he was slightly whimpering,heart racing and hands shaking.Kai didn't know if he should be shock or ashamed of himself.

"What do you want from me ?!"Jacob scream again.

He dropped himself on the floor a little too hard for Kai's liking and started sobbing.Kai scoop him up in his arms and rock him kissing his hair.

"You're doing it again,then your going to be gone".Jacob sob

"I'm not going anywhere.I promise."

Jacob woke up from a hand caressing his belly.He crack his eyes open and look up at the ceiling.He then turn his head to side and his eyes met Kai's.

"Good morning".

"Uh hi".jacob blush.

"I want to take you somewhere,please get ready".

Kai gave him a smile before slipping off the bed and went through the door.

Jacob shook his head but obeyed

Only because he asked nicely

When Jacob was ready Tyriece came in after knocking.

"Going on a date with my brother?"He tease and Jacob blush.

"Its not a date he just said I should get ready".

"Oh well I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise then,come on".

Tyriece held Jacob's hand as they walked down the stairs,even then he manage to almost slip.

They walked out to the car waiting out front.Jacob said bye to Tyriece before entering the car,he was first hit with Kai's cologne.Jacob could recognize it anywhere.

He then turn to Kai.




The entire ride Kai held Jacob's hand.He had to look out the window so the man won't see him blushing but Kai did and every now and then he would give the boy's hand a gentle squeeze.

On Kai's side there was the ocean and Jacob wondered where they were going but didn't ask.Soon the car stopped and Jacob sat up.His hands slipped from Kai's to unbuckle his seatbelt.They got out the car and Jacob gasp at the sight.

A ship.Kai was taking him on a ship.Jacob felt Kai took his hand and they walk up the steps.Kai's name was imprinted on the side of the boat.He knew Kai was rich but how rich was he.

"Good evening Mr.Ryder right this way".

They followed the man into the ship and Jacob looked around.He can't believe Kai would bring him on a ship,it's amazing...The boat was like a house,in water.Kai and Jacob followed the man up a few more stairs and they were in an opening but not yet the top of the ship.There was a table in the middle with candle and a single rose in a vase,and soft music played God knows where.Kai smiled at him and he returned it.

"Is it okay?".kai ask nervously.

"It's nice".jacob replied.

He pulled out the chair for him then went to sit across from him.Two women came and place two plates on the table.They were lobsters rested on salads.The women came back with two glasses and a bottle of champagne and orange juice.

"I have a question".Jacob cleared his throat

"I thought it would be nice to have breakfast outside".Kai shrug as if he knew what Jacob was going to ask.



After breakfast Kai showed Jacob around the place,they were now sitting on the sofa watching the fishes through the bullet proof glass.Jacob was a bit frighten when he first found out the ship was moving but got over it because he was with Kai.

Kai pulled out his gun and rested it on the table.Jacob eyed the gun before asking.

"Where did you first learn to shoot?".

"My dad......I'll teach you to shoot one day if you like".

Jacob turn to his suspiciously.

"Why are you being so nice?".He demand more than ask.Kai sighed before he turned his attention to Jacob.

"The truth is Jacob I love you,I've been in love with you since the day you started working here.I couldn't take my eyes off you.The night I took advantage of you I couldn't bare to look at you after that,you were a virgin I know it was the best night of my life but I was drunk and I force myself on you.And about the baby,when I found out you were pregnant I was so happy.I'm so happy that my love is pregnant with my first child.I'm sorry I haven't been the best person in a long time

I'm the Mafia boss.I don't have to do anything to have enemies.People hate me,bad people.I can't love someone!they'll either die or get hurt.....I can't have that and I already love you but I can't be with'll get hurt.......something might happen to him".Kai whispered both hands on Jacob's stomach.

"But that's life.I love you and I love my unborn child and no one is going to hurt neither of you......they wouldn't dare to try".Kai finish with a cold look in his eyes

Without notice he press his lips to Jacob's ,he nibbles on his bottom lip and Jacob open his mouth.Kai's tongue slid in and they fight for dominance which kai won,massaging the boy's tongue with his.Kai pulled him closer to him and squeeze his hips which sent shivers down his back and Jacob moaned into the kiss.Jacob broke the kiss and whimpered more loudly but gasps when kai bit down on his neck .He sucked on the boy's neck and pulled away smirking,looking him in the eyes.He pulled his body closer to his and hug him.

"I love you".

A hero.......can fall

The caring.....can become unkind

The light......can be the darkness

The innocent......can become guilty

An optimist......can lose all hope

A hunter....can be hunted

A child.....can be a victim

The brave......can be terrified

The powerful....can become powerless

A genius.......can lose their mind