Chapter 8

Three months later

"I will shoot you if you don't shut up".

Jacob laugh at the two men arguing.

"Not if I shoot you first".

Jacob laugh and made a move.They were playing a board game and they were accusing each other of cheating.Jacob haven't won but he didn't care because he didn't know how to play,just wanted to play with the two men since Kai was busy.

Jacob was now six months pregnant and doing well.

They haven't heard from Nick ever since the five men and Jacob wanted it to stay that way.

Kai and Tyriece were busy with a bathroom downstairs.They were installing things to make Jacob more comfortable since they moved downstairs.

When Kai was finish he came for Jacob so they could be on their way to the doctor.Kai took a shower in one of the guest room while Jacob use the knew bathroom.He loved it,it was a shower he could sit in instead of standing and making his feet hurt.


Jacob came out of the bathroom without a shirt on.He use the towel to dry his hair in the mirror.He looked in his background and saw Kai staring at him from the bed.

"Why are you staring at me?".

"You're glowing".Kai whispered smirking.

"Is that way of saying I'm fat?".Jacob glare reaching for his shirt beside Kai.

"No're beautiful".Kai pulled him between his legs and kiss him.

"You look amazing pregnant".

"Somethings wrong with you,I'm walking around with ten extra pounds and swollen ankles and wrists ".

"You're carrying our baby".Kai caress the boy's cheek and kiss his nose.

"It's a boy".Dr.Wilson smiles

"I knew it".Kai grin

"Yea you did".jacob laugh

"He's gonna take over some day".Kai said while rubbing Jacob's belly.

"Uh no".Jacob rolled his eyes

"Fine he'll be my hitman".

Jacob roll his eyes again and sat up.Kai helped him off the bed and they thanked the doctor again before exiting the room.They said good bye to the lady at the desk and exit the building.

"Since we know the gender let's go shopping".Kai said opening the car door for Jacob

"Really?right now?".

"Yea if you want".

"I want to".

Kai smile and started the car,he made a phone call to a store on the way.When Kai parked in the mall parking lot they got out.

"I rented a store so you won't be uncomfortable just the two of us and an assistant".

"Thank you".Jacob kiss his cheek and took his hand.

Kai led the way to a baby store which was empty.When they walked in they were greeted by loud laughing.

"Ryder,I just kicked out the last customer it's nice to see you again".A man around Kai's age hug Kai.He was good looking.Tall,blonde,pale and muscular.

"You too Jeff,this is Jacob my boyfriend".

Boyfriend....l like the sound of that

"Nice to meet you Jacob,the store is all yours".

The man Jeff shook Jacob's hand then disappeared.

An assistant arrive and followed them around.

Jacob smile at the pillow,caressing the small parrot design.

"Jake you've been smiling at every items since we got here,you haven't taken anything up yet.

"Yes I have".

"The carts are empty".


Jacob shouted before throwing the pillow towards Kai.

The pillow hit Kai's chest then fell to the ground.Kai just shook his head and mumbled

"That wasn't nice."

"Well you're not nice".Jacob hiss before storming off to the bottle section.

Mood swings

Kai thought,he shook his head then followed behind Jacob.

"Look at this Kai".Jacob cheer holding up a hanger with a batman baby suit.

"That's lovely put it in the cart".Jacob ignore him and put it back on the wall,Kai groan he was doing that since they got here.

"You know you're suppose to take things up and put them in the carts".

"I know".

"Then why don't you do it?".

"Why don't you do it".Jacob turn and glare

"Don't use that tone with me".

"Then shut up!!".

Kai sighed,he let go of the cart and walked away leaving Jacob there upset.Jacob knew than man didn't do anything wrong he was just angry for no reason now he's upset.

Kai stayed on one side of the store picking up this.He didn't know what Jacob was doing,probably looking he thought.When two carts were full he decided to check on Jacob.

Jacob stood over a crip playing with the music toys that hang over the crib.

"We can get that if you want".Kai spoke,Jacob turn and gave him a small smile.

"I want to".

Kai told the assistant about the crib then turn to Jacob.

"Let's go get his bathroom supplies okay?".


When they were done Kai had a truck brought the things to their house while they went to the food court.It was the maids day off so it was either cook or have cooked.Jacob was uncomfortable .He didn't like being around a lot of people he thinks they will hurt him.

"Can we just order and go".

"Are you uncomfortable ?".

Jacob nod.

"Okay we can go through a drive through".

Jacob nod and smile.He and Kai walked back to the parking lot and drove off.

When they got home Tyriece was watching a show in the living roomJacob smile when he saw it was The Walking Dead.

"We brought something for you".Jacob said giving Tyriece the food bag and sitting down beside him.

"By we you mean you,you're like the brother I never had".

Kai roll his eyes.

Jacob caress his belly,talking to his unborn child.

"Hey baby,it's your daddy we just found out your gender and we're happy you're going to be my cute adorable son.....I'm gonna spoil you,would you like that?".

"Oww".Jacob hiss quietly when he felt a small pain on one side of his belly.

That side then moved a little before it became bigger than the other side.

He's kicking!!

"He's kicking,KAI!".

Kai ran out of the bathroom and to Jacob on the bed.

"What?whats wrong?".

Jacob smile before looking down at his baby bump

"He's kicking".He whispered

Kai smile and join Jacob on the bed.He smile even more when he saw the boy's belly move.

"He's kicking".

"Well duh".

Kai laugh then kiss his belly.

"I love you both".