Chapter 9

Jacob woke up when he heard a pipe running.He look at his phone and saw it was early.The pipe was then turn off and soon Kai came out.

"It's too early to go anywhere".Jacob told him climbing off the bed.

"Tyriece and I are gonna paint the room next to ours upstairs....for the baby".

"Oh I can help?".

"No I don't think you should be inhaling paint plus you should rest".Kai kiss his pouting lips.

"It would be faster with me".

"I have my men".

"Why can't you hire a painter".

"Then people will know where I live".


"I don't trust a lot of people".

"You trust me to let me help".

"Fine you can sort out the clothes in the chest of drawers".

"That would be nice,thank you".

"You're welcome love".Kai kiss his forehead and walk pass him to his closet.He got a plain black shirt and a basketball shorts.He didn't care if paint touched them so he used them.

After breakfast Kai,Tyriece and two other men went into the baby's nursery.Jacob stayed in one of the guests rooms with all the clothes and the chest of drawers and baskets.Kai insist he let someone help him but he wanted to do it by himself.

Jacob filled all the drawers in no time.He organized them by clothes:diapers,nappies,shorts,shirts,suits,jumpers,night clothes and sweaters.

There was this one sweater that stood out though

Jacob look at the baby sweater.He had one just like it.He remembered he was wearing it the night.......the night his parents died.

After kicking me out

Jacob told them he was gay when they were all going out to a restaurant and they kicked him out in the middle of the street.Calling him a slut and whore.He only took his bag with him and some clothes.He slept in some bushes that night and the next day he went back to the house.But only police was there.They had died in a car accident on their way to the restaurant.

"It's your fault you're dead".

"You kick me out!".

"You fucking kick me out!i hate you".

He was trashing around in the room,he threw the bedside lamp in the mirror.He use a baseball bat and hit anything he saw,repeating the same words 'I hate you'.Tears were running down his face.


Two of Kai's men were standing at the door,they wanted to hold him but didn't want to hold him in the wrong places and he would get hurt.

"Hey Jake".

Jacob turn and swing the bat.Kai grab hold of it and yank it out of his hand.

"I hate you I hate you I hate you ".Jacob scream hitting at Kai's chest.

"Calm down Jacob look at me".

"It's not my fault you're dead,your fault for throwing me out!".

Kai took his face in his eyes and look in Jacob's red watery eyes.

"I said to calm down".

Jacob took deep breaths to calm himself down.Kai brought him over to the bed where Jacob grip onto the painted shirt as if his life depended on it.

"What's wrong?".

"It's their fault,not mine".

"Yes it's there's but what are you talking about?".

"I blamed myself for so long,they should have just accepted me".

Kai picked up.Jacob was talking about his parents.

"My dad was angry when he was driving and they crash because I told them I was gay and they kick me out".

Jacob sob.

"It's okay,it's not you fault".

"I thought it was because I should have kept it to myself but they should have accepted me".

"If they did accept you,you wouldn't be here carrying our child".

"Yea that's true".

"I'm still sorry your parents died like that,they were stupid for not accepting you".

"I know".

Kai kiss his hair and stood up with him.

"Let's get you to bed,you can finish another time,too many things can hurt you now".

Kai brought him to their room,he pulled the curtains since it was just afternoon.

Jacob look behind Kai when the computer screen lit up.

"You have a new email".He whispered

Kai opened his email and shook his head groaning.

"What is it?".

"It's nothing just a little threatening note from Nick".

Jacob look at the computer screen and gasp

"In the form of a dead body,you call that little?!".

"Well yea ".

"Why did you kill his parents?" Jacob ask

"They killed mine".


"My dad was the Mafia boss,his dad too but different countries.They were enemies and his parents kill my parents and I kill blowing up their car.Nick didn't got in the car on time that's why he's still alive".

Jacob stared at the man and shook his head.

"You're something else".

Kai kiss his forehead then his lips and pulled the covers over him,turning on the A/C and putting it on low.

Kai and Jacob both stood in front of the mirror brushing their teeth. When Kai was finish he went to shaving but Jacob just roll his eyes and exit the bathroom. He didn't have facial hair.

Jacob stayed on the bed,playing on his phone.Kai came in the room.

Jacob felt the baby moved and he giggled.

"Hello baby".

Kai raise a brow and turned around smiling at Jacob.

"Daddy and papa are here,we can't wait for you to come".

Jacob suddenly had an idea

"We should make a shirt with his name on it".

"And that will be.....".

Jacob just realize they haven't picked out any names yet.

Kai climbed into bed with him

"Tomorrow we can look at baby names".Kai kiss his hair and Jacob close his eyes.

A/N. Can I get some baby names please