Love is blind or stupid

LOVE it it's a weird feeling.

it doesn't see what is right or wrong.

it doesn't see boundaries.

it does not see a limit it doesn't see who we fell for.

only it exists, as the earth exists.

but not all love is boon some are crush.

like ash and rose.

Rose never know that she was the reason why ash was living in hell. losing his mother love and

father love. but he thought he can live if she stays with him but cruel fate turns his only hope to


he hates her to the bone but he cannot hurt her slightest. that stupid love comes in between his

revenge. how did he fell in love ??? how did this cold CEO fell for her. to know it stays TUNED

MORNING Rose wake up early then ash and saw his sleeping face. she has a weird dream. where she

met with women who have the same eyes as ash. but she can't remember it. but it's not what

surprised her is that she didn't have any nightmares for 2days. when she is with ash she does not

have it. Why? she was in her thought when suddenly ash pulls her to his chest.

"what are you thinking rose?"

she points towards him.

"you are thinking about me?"

she nods yes. she looks into his eyes and think she meet him. she gestures him to ask but ash

does not understand. he gives her phone and says

"type it. "

rose then type

"have we met before?"

ash look at her and remember the pain. his grip on her tight. rose felt the pain and flinch. ash let

go of her immediately. he said


"I saw you in the auction "

"Why did you ask?"

she writes she might see him

: "I always come in news so maybe you saw me on tv."

rose does not write anything.

"let's go or I will be late for the office "

rose look at him and hug him more tightly

"What happens?"

rose just shook her head no and let him go. she enters into washroom but never look back.

ash was getting a flashback of his mom died. how she was lying on the bed for 5-day fighting

and losing. he doesn't understand why he didn't tell her. maybe he was unsure of what to do but

he knows he will make her feel the same feeling of hurt.

rose come out of the washroom and went to the ear dressing table. she was only wearing

towels. it's amazing how she does not feel awkward with him in the same room. it's like she lives

with him for a long time.

ash come near her remove hair from her back. she becomes stiff. then he binds them down and

bites her exposure to the neck. she shivers in a different kind of pain. and soon he keeps kissing

that same place. a moan escaped from her. and her leg gives away. but ash was fast and hold

her . he put her on the dressing table and start kissing her. she doesn't know what to do so she

let him do the kissing.

after few minutes ash let her go and take deep breaths.

"Why don't you kiss back?"

rose to look at him and her cheek becomes crimson red.

"you don't know how to kiss?"

rose got down from the table and try to escape but ash caught her and pull her. he feels the fast

beating heartbeats. he wonder whose heart it is?? is it her or him?

"Why don't you say?"

rose just nod yes and he smiles. he said

"look at me"

rose to look at him and he said

"I will teach you. all you need to do is follow my lead."

rose become shyer and left him . he was laughing so hard that his stomach hurts. but suddenly

he stops laughing by looking at a watch.

he comes close to watch and touch it. he becomes cold and went for a shower.

rose was eating breakfast and ash coming down. he was wearing a navy blue suit. it looks very

good. rose then look away and hit her head.

"why hit ?? It's not your fault to look at the handsome man." ash smirks rose to roll her eyes. they

finish breakfast and ash were about to go .when rose suddenly hold his suits Corner.

"what is it?"

but rose look at him and just hold his suit tightly

"don't you want me to go?"

rose nod no.


rise little by little let his coat go but ash took her hand and make her look at him.

"Go get ready."

rose become shocked. she wonders how he can understand she wants to go with him.

but she got to change and come down. now ash was looking at her. and rose smirks and give a

pose. ash smile a little and pull her ears.

" let go you, naughty kid."

after reaching his office rose become afraid. she doesn't go to this place for 2 years. now all the

nightmare are coming to her. she becomes hyperventilated.

ash looks at her and shout

"Rose Rose??"

but tears come running down her eyes and she can't stop it. Ash took the rose in arms and get

inside the office. everyone was surprised to see their arrogant CEO was carrying a person and it

is a girl!!!!

what's going on?? but he shouts to the receptionist to call a doctor and went inside his cabin. by

that time rose already lost her consciousness... he kept calling her but her breathing got less ad

the time pass. after a long time, ash becomes afraid. what might happen to rose??

that time he never thought the concerns he fell for her was that LOVE. that love which will bring


hi guys. hope you like it. I have a question? what you THINK of love. let me know in a comment

and please share your thought. ❤❤❤

Last modified: 7:56 pm