
a 9-year-old girl was playing in a backyard of a large mansion. suddenly a beautiful woman came

toward her and said

" dear let's go and meet with someone"

" mummy where are we going ?"

"you will see .now come"

the woman took the girl and went to a beautiful restaurant .there she meets with another lady

and introduces her as Mrs Khan. and she asked that girl name.

she said "rose "

"nice to meet with you Rose"

nice to meet with you too"

Mrs Khan ask "

do you like to eat something"

" yes strawberry shake "

they order and both of the ladies start talking. and they are talking about a boy. Rose didn't hear

anything and start playing with her phone.

suddenly she saw a very beautiful cat .it was stuck in the middle of the road .it can not cross the

road. rose was trying to tell her mum. but her mum didn't try to listen .so she got out of the table

and went for the cat many cars are running in the road but Rose didn't stop and come near the

cat .she took the cat in her hand and start running towards her mother .when suddenly a TRUCK

was coming near her .at the time Rose mum looked at her and shout. thinking it was too late but

Mrs Khan runs towards rose and pushes Rose also the cat in the pathway.

but the truck already Run over her. Rose afraid and lost her consciousness. rose mother come

toward her and took her in her arms .the passerby call for an ambulance; that took both rose and

Mrs Khan to the hospital.

Rose was hit in the head and went into a coma. she didn't regain consciousness for about 4

days. when she opened her eyes She saw her mum was sitting beside her

"where are we?"

" dear, you wake up ??"

how are you feeling ?"

"spinning "and point towards her head.

"I will call the doctor" Rose mum ran out and call the doctor.

the doctor came and check up on her. and ask her "what you remember ?"

she said she was playing in the backyard of her house and then when she tries to remember

something she feels enormous pain.

" it's ok .you don't have to remember"

and the doctor signal Rose mom to out.

" is my daughter alright doctor?"

" I think she lost her memory of that accident and I also think it's better if we don't try to make

her recall it. she was already injured"

Rose ma'am agree with the doctor. when she returned to Rose. rose asked

"What happened to me; Mummy?"

" nothing my dear .you are playing in the backyard and got yourself hurt .now you are doing fine "

"when will return home "

"very soon my dear " rose mum give pick on her forehead. makes her eat something and give her

medicine. soon Rose fall into a deep slumber.

rose mum walks out of the cabin and went to the ICU . she went near another doctor and ask

"How is she?"

" sadly she is not doing so well. I think we must be strong"

hearing this rose mom start crying.

"Please wake up. I want to thank you. I want to thank you for saving my daughter ."

she cries for hours but her prayers go in vain as Mrs Khan took her last breath on the 5th day of

the accident. She was taken away by her family. rose mum meets with Mrs Khan's son .she told

him how sorry she is .but the boy remained silent. Mr khan came and said

" do you think your sorry will bring her back? if you can't bring her back then don't say sorry?"

hearing this Rose mom cries and beg for forgiveness. but they didn't say anything. when they are

about to go out of hospital Rose SHOUT.

she was about to fall from the window and just before she was about to fall the BOY catcher

Rose closed eyes tightly and didn't dare to look up .the person say

"Open your eyes "

Rose little by little open her eyes and saw a very beautiful pair of ASH eyes .the boy put her down

and shout

"what are you doing?do you want to die again?"

she doesn't understand what he was saying. the boy left rose angrily. Rose was dumbfounded.

rose mum came her and say

"what are you doing dear"?

" I saw a very beautiful butterfly was trying to get it ."

"you should never do this kind of thing promise me ."

: ok mum" I will never do such a thing but who is HE "

"I want to thank him for saving me"

Rose mum looked toward the road where the boy left.

"you don't have to know. it's better if you never know"

as Rose mum remember previously when that boy screaming like a crazy person when he saw

her mum in ICU.

he said he will never FORGIVE Rose taking his mum away from him .and he said if HE comes

across her he might KILL her

he looks so furious that Rose mum become she prayed that they never met with each other.

because if they that he might kill her. as she knows that the boy loves his mother very much.

Rose got discharge from the hospital. they return home but Rose never remember what

happened THAT DAY. Rose mum and dad never said anything to her. after a month rose dad

came into the house looking worried. Rose mum asked

" what happened"

he turns on the TV .on the TV there was news of Mr Khan wedding. Rose mum become


what is this? what's going on?"

"ing married?"

"oh my God. why?"

I heard that he was already in a relationship with that woman

"what ? really? I don't think she knew that? rose mum said

" maybe or maybe not. now we can never know"

" what will happen to the boy"

"The only god knows. and also I have a piece of news for you "rose dad says

"what is it this time?"

" We are moving out from this city "


"We have to. before anything happened to our children"

rose mum looks at her children and said

" ok "

and they left for the city settle down in ** city and start their business.

Rose grow up into a fine woman without knowing about her accident .she knows that she got

hurt from playing.

UNKNOWN of truth and her DESTINY. she was leading a very beautiful life. she never thought that

accident will turn her life into HELL to the point that she wished she DIED on that accident.




I hope you like today's chapter and I'm giving the back story of rose. please give your opinion

and let me know what you think about this chapter love you all. ❤❤

Last modified: 7:55 pm