Horrible end or new began

when she heard those footsteps she looked toward it and saw five people are coming toward

her. she becomes really afraid .she kept looking here and there to find anyone. but she was in an

isolated area. she tried to stand up but she felt light-headed . one of the men came to her and sit


" hi beautiful; where are you trying to go?"

Rose didn't dare to look at them and try to walk away but suddenly two-man hold her.

" now that we are all here; why not we enjoy tonight ?"

Rose begged

"Please let me go"

" we will let you go soon" and all of them start laughing.

Rose again begged but they didn't listen.

rose try with all her might and shook the man of her .she started running. She was running more

and more but there is a never-ending road in front of her .she is trying to call out for help but

there is no one to listen.

she heard footsteps coming near her .she was running fast and suddenly fell on the concrete

ground .when she tried to stand up all of them came near her. she was afraid. she was thinking

"I don't know what will happen to me."

suddenly one of the men pulled her hair and asked

"where are you going?"

" let's have some fun "

"please leave me "

but Her request was never heard and they did all the HORRIBLE thing that even in Nightmare you

can't have.

after they all left her TORN; bleeding and lifeless .she just remain there she doesn't know what

to do. In her life she had a dream to be a singer but ended up as a businesswoman . she had a

dream to make a family with Edward but she ended up not having anything rather than betrayal

and rape.

She was having so much pain that she was about to die. her eyes become blurry. she was taking

less and less breathing when she was about to close her eyes when she saw a car is coming

towards her .she looked at the car.

a man came down from the car he was walking toward her don't know what got into her .maybe

the LIFE itself that doesn't want to end give. with the last bit of strength; she tries to make her

hand rise again. the man keeps coming toward her and when he was just near her she lost her

consciousness .she had a dream but never know that that was her reality

when she again opened her eyes she saw her dad for seating near her. Rose was trying to say

something but the word doesn't come out suddenly her dad look at her and said

" dear; you wake up. . let me call the doctor"

before she could say anything her dad left. Dr came and check up on her and said she was

fine .when the doctor left Rose to look at her dad and indicate him to come close to her .when he

comes close to her she kept looking at him. Rose dad start crying and say

" sorry; sorry that I cannot protect."

A teardrop came rolling down her eyes. Rose dad said he captures all five of them.

" Someone help me to find all of them. I don't know who that person is?"

rose become astonished but she thought about Edward and what he did to her .when she was

about to say something Bella came into the room.

Edward was with her. Rose become aggregated seeing him. Bella came near her and said

"sister how are you ?"

Rose try to touch Bella's hand when she saw Edward was pulling Bella away from her .she

doesn't understand what is going on. when suddenly her eyes fall onto the ring in Bella's hand.

she was trying to understand everything.

when Bella saw that Rose was looking at her ring .she asked everyone to go out. Edward wants

to say something but Bella asks them to leave. when all of them left Bella came near Rose again.

she sits beside her sister

"I got engaged with Edward"

she started crying but Rose was thinking about what Edward said that night .she was thinking

that she is the one; Edward love and all of this are their conspiracies.

Rose was crying silently. she was unable to ask Bela why she did it. if she ever wanted it even if

Rose might have been hurt she would have given it to her. when there was no one to tell about

her PAIN; what's the reason for her to speak again.

rose keep looking at Bella and crying for betrayal. Bella; on the other hand crying for her cruel

fate. she never loves Edward and loved her sister very much. those two sister doesn't know that

they are misunderstanding each other. Bella wants to tell Rose everything but before she could

again say anything; Edward come into the room.

"We have to leave now. we have a meeting to attend".

Rose want to ask Edward about his betrayal but he just left the room. Bella also stand up and

left the room. before Bella left she looked at Rose and said

"sorry "

Bella doesn't know what to say. Rose again faint. when she opened her eyes she was in hospital

but a very different one. she didn't understand where is she. then she saw a doctor. he came

near her and said

"good morning " I'm doctor Neil from today I will take care of you "

Rose was looking here and there to see her father or anyone she knows

"are you looking for someone ?" doctor Nil asked.

Rose shook her head as yes.

"Sorry but you are in our hand. as you are in rehab you have to be in here until you are well


after that day rose was living in that hospital. it becomes 6 MONTH.

but no one came to see her .as if they throw her away .she wants to know what she did wrong

to deserve it. she never hurt anyone. she never spoke ill toward anyone .so why God is punishing

her. It's become 1 YEAR...

rose never speak a single word to anyone. only three came to look after her .one was Helena

and the other was Jack and there is also doctor Neil. but Rose keep thinking that they are hiding


she thought of running away from here. but it was a very high-security building. one day she was

almost succeeded in escaping but at the last moment someone came near her and knock her


when rose gained consciousness doctor Neil and Helena was sitting near her.

" trying to run away .it is not safe for you Rose"

rose took a pen and paper from Dr Neil she wrote that

"where is her family"

Dr Neil and Helena didn't say anything.

but the next day Jack came near her and said

" your family is the one who kept you here. they don't want to see you. I heard that you are a

very successful businesswoman. but after that incidents, your company's share keeps on

falling. I don't know about the details but I heard that your younger sister got engaged with

someone .and they collaborate. I heard that they give a maximum share to your sister future

husband and make you DISAPPEAR. they have to protect the company that's why they did it .your

mum called for you regularly but we are strictly instructed to never allow you to talk with her "

after listening to this Rose didn't say anything. Jack was about to go out when he stopped and


" one more thing .your sister and her fiance is about to get MARRIED in next year .they are all

saying this in the news "

Rose still didn't say anything and keep looking out the window when Jack left she become

desperate she saw a glass near her she broke it and CUT her wrist. the blood starts flowing from

her hand but it doesn't pain more than the pain her family give to her.

she looked at the city down below and think that she doesn't want to live in this world. why

should she? who is there for her to keep on living? she starts feeling dizzy and collapses.

she doesn't remember anything but when she again opened her eyes she saw that she was in

the same bed in that hospital .but this time she was alone. she starts crying and thinking why

God also doesn't want her ??? she starts to look for something again but this time she found

nothing. she doesn't know how many hours have passed when doctor Neil again enter a room

and saw her awake he came near her

"rose; why did you do it?"

rose just keep looking outside.

"ok, you don't have to talk " and dr. Neil left.

when rose looking at the city she remembered that night and that dragon tattoo person. and

faint memories of someone coming near her. her dad said he punished 5 people but there is also

one left.

she then VOWED that if God doesn't want to take her then she will get REVENGE for her . she will

Find that TATTOO person. and kill him with her hand . also, she will take revenge on Edward and


BELLA this name still hurts her. why did rose think that Bella was suffering? no; rose's heart says

Bella could never do that but her brain says yes; Bella is the one. maybe Bella is the one Edward

loved. she will take revenge on all of them.

from then it took her 1 year to escape and now finally she is out for BLOOD...

hi, guys hope you all like today's chapter. this is the back story of rose. there are also many

backstories about rose and ash but you have to wait for it patiently. I hope you all love my book

and share your thought. DO you all think rose will able to take REVENGE?? does Bella CULPRIT??

let me know in the comments. love you all and thank you ❤.PLEASE LIKE AND ADD MY BOOK IN YOUR LIBRARY TO KNOW ABOUT LATEST UPDATE.