Nightmare or past part 2

they had a very beautiful lunch.

Edward mum came near rose before leaving and said

" I am looking forward to making you, my family member"

rose smile and hug Edward mum

"I love you mum

"I love you too my dear "

"Hey you can't only love her; you know," Edward said

"Someone is jealous of our Bond," Rose said.

" who is jealous; I always came before you"

" we will see," Rose said

" yes we will "

"stop fighting" Bella interrupt

"We are not fighting"

"then what are you doing?"

" We are just talking," Rose said

"yes yes do that ."

"Now tell me what is your plan tonight ?" Edward's mum asked

Rose indicate toward Edward and said

" he knows "

"yes " Edward winks

"I guess so" Edward added.

after that Edward took Rose hand and left the place.

" Where are you taking me," Rose asked

"you will see" then he took her to a shop and give her a very beautiful red gown

"wow is it for me ?"

"yes "

"you have to wear it tonight "

"ok "

Edward took her to Her home.

" I will see you tonight "after saying that's he left.

rose was smiling like a kid and enter the house.

"don't you think you are a smile like an idiot, "Bella said

" shut up .let's go to the parlour"

" why now ?"

"We have to"

" no only you have to "

"no, you are going with me"

" ok ok let's go . " they went to the parlour

there they meet a girl she was showing a very beautiful ring and she said that it was given by her


"it's a very beautiful ring ma'am "

suddenly the ring falls on the floor and comes toward the rose. she took the ring and saw it have

to initial A .the ring was snatched by the girls she had very beautiful Blue Eyes.

"it's mine"

" I know; I was picking it up "

then when the girl looked at her she became angry.

"How dare you took the ring "

"Just like I said before I just pick it up"

" what's happened, sister?" Bella come. "nothing this lady was asking me why I pick her ring up.

instead of saying thank you.

she was blaming me "

"What !!! you lady say sorry " Bella said

"why should I "

"don't argue with her "Rose said

Bella was about to say something but Rose stop her.

"Now is not the time .we have work to do. have a good day "

she said to the girl and left.

that girl looked at her and said

"rose today you will have a very memorable day"

the blue eyes girl is none other than Alina. she knows Rose for 8 years but Rose never knew

about her. Alina was looking at the ring and said

"he is mine and mine only "

on the other side, Rose was preparing for tonight party .she is about to go when Bella come

near her and said

" sister you can do anything you want. I know you want to pursue singing but mum and dad

didn't agree. as they want you to involve in our business. and you agree with them. now you are

working in our business. but you don't have to worry. I will handle all the work. what you should

pursue is your dream. that is the gift I want to give you today "

and she gave her registration form in which rose to want to participate . rose was shocked as

she didn't say it to Bella. but Bella continue

" I know about it when you are looking at this on your laptop. so I want you to give it try. I know

you can do it .as you can handle our business very well."

rose is a very strong woman she doesn't cry but today she was crying

" thank you, Bella "

"you don't have to thank me. you deserve it. now go someone is waiting for you"

Rose hug Bela and said

" you make my day today ."

Bella winked at her and said

" who knows someone else might make your day more special "

Rose laugh and heard a honk.

Rose shout

"Edward is here"

" now go on" Bella pushed rose.

upon arriving downstairs Rose saw her mum and dad was talking with Edward. all looked at her.

they stopping.

" what guys? do I look weird " rose asked

"you are looking very beautiful"

" thank you," Rose said

"make sure to come home at a time " rose dad said

"OK I will bring rose on time "

Edward replied. and they left for the restaurant. when Rose arrives at the table it was decorated

with very beautiful candles and flowers. she became very happy

"This is very beautiful"

" anything for you Rose " he sat opposite of rose.

they talk for some time then Edward got a call from someone .and he excused himself. he left

the place after a minute or two. a waiter came to Rose and give her a very beautiful juice and a

paper .

"ma'am. sir give it to you "and the waiter left.

Rose took the latter and see Edward handwriting. he wrote

" drink this juice and after finishing it come and meet me at 1111 number room.

your love

Edward "

Rose was smiling and drink the juice .it have a very sweet taste. rose went to reception and ask

the receptionist about the room number

" Are you perhaps Miss Rose"

" yes I am "

"let me show you the way," she asks someone to take a rose toward the room. and after coming

in front of the room he said

"Have a nice day ma'am "

and left the place. Rose was smiling and thinking that Edward have a great plan to surprise her.

and she was very excited about it .upon entering the room she locked the room and went inside.

all the light switched off

" Edward" she called out but no answer came.

she went deep into the room someone was sitting in there. she came close towards him.

she can't saw his face. he was wearing a bathrobe. when she came more near him she saw a

DRAGON tattoo .she suddenly stopped.

no Edward doesn't have any tattoo. she became very afraid and asked,

"who are you ?"

"you admire "

"What !!! who the hell are you??"

he didn't say anything more.

suddenly rose felt light-headed and about to fall .the man hold her but she can't see anything .

he pushed rose towards the bed. she falls into the bed and the man starts kissing. but rose

resisted. he tore the dress and rose to try to gain her sense. she wants to kick him. but he

already holds her hand and feet.

"no my dear. . you can't escape "

rose was almost losing her sense but keep biting her lips to be awake. that man saw it and he

started to kiss her lips. rose bite him and try to grab the vase that is near the bedside table.

he slaps her but at the same time, rose took the vase and smashed it into his head. he starts

bleeding and move away from rose.

"you bitch !!! you will pay for it. "

he tries to come near her but rose already start running towards the door. he almost grabs her

but she shook him up and ran from the room. she didn't understand what is happening. that

letter was given by Edward. then who is he?? did anyone is trying to harm rose? rose thought

about Edward and came running toward the restaurant. but she suddenly stops. as she saw

Edward was still on phone. she felt relieved to see him alright and came near him. As rose came

near him. Edward said

"I love you. and I will marry you. just give me some time "

rose became shocked and stop.

Edward said

"We are partners and she has the largest share in the company. we can't afford to lose it now"

rose can't bear it any more and ran away.

she thought Edward make this plan. and she doesn't understand why he lied. he could have told

her but maybe because of share he didn't. rose was crying bitterly and walk to an unknown

place . after some time rose lost her energy and sat down. she was feeling lightheaded. she

wants to go home. when she thought about home. she wants to run toward her home but she

heard some footsteps. she looked towards the sound and become more afraid...

hi, guys whO do you think rose SAW? and who is the one Edward was TALKING with?? why

ALINA knows about rose ??? WHO IS THAT PERSON WITH DRAGON TATTOO?? let me know. and

please share your thoughts. thank you for your SUPPORT. ❤❤❤