The girl Ash loved

Rose and ash start going downstairs. Rose was red like Cherry. when they got downstairs

Mr Khan came to Rose and asked

" are you alright?"

Rose shook her head as yes. Mr Khan say that

"it's fine let's have some dinner "

then all sit down at the dining table. Roy and Levi also have dinner with them. Levi from the

very beginning was very uncomfortable. so Roy ask Levi

" What's up, dude?"

but Levi doesn't say anything. they start having dinner .when the main course starts Mr Khan

asked ash about business .ash look toward Mr Khan and said

"that is none of your business "

"How can you say that?" ash dad become angry and say

"is that how you talk with your dad"

" Sorry I forgot that I have a dad. I thought both my mum and dad died on the same day."

Mrs Khan made an astonishing sound Alina look toward Ash and said

" if you don't like it then don't come here"

ash look toward Alina and said

"now I have to get permission from you"

then Mrs Khan start crying say

" It is all my fault. I shouldn't have done this to you. I am sorry "

Mr Khan said

" you don't have to say sorry to someone who doesn't even understand the meaning of


Ash want to say something more when Mrs Khan said that

" I know I broke your dream. you like someone and I took her away from you."

this time ash become very angry and stand up from the chair

"I hope we never meet "

saying this ash left the dining table. Rose was confused as to what Mrs Khan did to ash that

ash became that much angry. she also feels that she should leave the table .she slowly

stand up when Roy saw these asked

"sister can we have some talk?"

Rose indicates yes then Roy and rose both left the table and went to a separate room.

Roy came close rose and said

" Sorry for dragging you into this mess. I don't know how ash was treating you. but you have

to be strong. Ash is a good person but now he stops smiling. He doesn't talk much, it's like

he was living death. I know I am asking so much from you but when I saw ash with you

today I think that I found hope for ash again. if ash has done something wrong to you you

feel free to contact me"

and he gave her a card when Roy was about to leave the room rose took hold of his coat

Roy asked rose

" what is its sister?"

Rose indicates something. Roy took out his phone and gave it to Rose and said

" write in it"

rose write about

"who was the girl ash like?"

Roy became shocked to see this question. Ash thought that Rose doesn't understand it. but

it looks like Rose feels something.

Roy look at rose and said

" you should ask it to ash"

Rose was afraid to ask anything about Ash but look like Roy gave her the answer to this

question .they both are about to go out when Alina and Levi enter the room

"what are you both talking about?"

Roy look at Alina and Said

" is it something I have to say to you?"

Alina got angry and she was about to say something when Levi hold her shoulder and said

"leave it "Alina walked away from the room and Levi came close toward rose and said

" Have we met before?"

Rose looks at Levi but doesn't come to think that she met Levi before. Then Levi left the

room. Alina came close to Leo and said

"looks like you met with her before ?"

"how come we don't know about it."

"What are you saying? no; we never met"

" ok if you say so "

Alina went to her room and her phone started ringing. she received it and said

" meet me at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow"

and she cut the call. Rose came to ash room and saw that ash was typing something

seriously .understanding that ash was very angry and try to avoid him .but Ash called rose

and Said

"come here"

Rose went near ash and ash indicated Rose to sit down.

Rose sits down and Ash gives her some file. rose to look at the file and don't understand

what he means .ash look toward rose and Said

" organised this file"

Rose hadn't done this work for 2 years when she saw this file the memories of that night

start coming to her. her heart started beating fast. She has started to get difficulty in

breathing. when Ash saw rose in this state he came near her and asked

" what happened?"

but Rose breathing is not getting normal. Ash held rose and said to take a breath. as he

demonstrates it Rose follows his instructions. after some time her breathing got normal ash

look toward rose and said:

"are you ok?"

Rose nods her head as yes.

"fine" he wanted to take the file but Rose took the file from his hand and started working.

Ash saw these but didn't stop rose.

Rose starts working on this file after an hour. Rose finished working. and looked toward ash.

He was doing some work on his laptop. He was so engorged in his work that he didn't take

notice that Rose was looking at him. After some time rose got up and went to him. ash look

at rose and said

"Are you done?"

Rose give the file to ash. he looks and said

" done well "

Rose went to bed and took some pen and paper. start writing something she said that

" Why do you want me to be your fiance?"

ash look at rose and said

" you don't have to know"

" then answer me this question? Who was the person you talked to that night?"

ash never understood rose. As he thought that maybe Rose wanted to know about his plan,

she asked about the person he was talking to at night.

"I ask you. Do you really want to know?"

Rose indicator yes

" ok that was Alina "

Now Rose was really shocked. Alina was the person he was talking to. wasn't Ash and Alina

brother and sister?? Rose was looking at ash with confusion.

So Alina was the girl Ash loved???!!

Hi guys. Hope you like today's chapter. Please add it to your library and give love to the
