What a heart desire

Flash Back~~

A Nine-year-old girl was playing in the backyard of a large mansion. Suddenly a beautiful woman came toward her and said

“Dear let's go and meet with someone"

“Mummy, where are we going?”

"You will see. Now come."

That meeting changed her life.

Ash was in the school. He suddenly got a call from his dad.

“Hello, dad.” Ash’s voice was muffled. But his father didn’t noticed it. He said, “I am giving you an address. Come here.”

“Why?’ Ash asked, as he was not in his best shape. He was hurt. However, before he could decline his father, Mr. Khan cut the call.

Ash saw the message and it was an address to hospital. Ash was curious to see the address but he went there. When he reached there, he saw his dad was standing near the elevator. Ash asked; “Why did you call me, Dad?”

“Come, son,” this all Mr. Khan said.

Ash followed him and came to ICU. There he saw his mother lying in bed. He wanted to go near her. But his father stopped him.

“What happened to mother?” Ash asked in desperate voice.

“She went to meet with her friend. And there Rose was almost got into car accident. But your mother saved her. And now she is in this condition.”

“Rose?” Ash asked.

“Her friend’s daughter.” Then Ash remembered his mother used to tease him by saying that he must marry her friend’s daughter. He used to get angry and said that his mother was shameless to ask sixteen years old boy to marry a child.

And his mother said, “One day you will marry her.”

He remembered it and all his anger channeled to the girl he never knew.


She was the reason for his mother’s condition.

‘She will pay for it’ Ash vowed.

He cried like a manic. When he saw Rose mother he shouted and said, “I will never forgive your daughter. I will destroy her life. Mark my word.”

After five days, his mother took her last breathe. Ash’s world crumbles. He lost the person he loves most.

He was drowned in his grieved when he heard, “I am sorry.” Rose mother kept on saying it.

Mr. Khan asked, “Do you think your sorry will bring her back? If you can't bring her back then don't say sorry?"

But Ash remained silent. He went out as he was feeling suffocated. When he saw a girl reaching for something through her windows. He was about to shout to watch out when that girl fell down. He ran and caught the girl. When he looked at her, he knew it was Rose. She was the duplicate copy of her mother. He said; “Open your eyes.” She opened her black orbs. He shouted, “"What are you doing? Do you want to die again?" he could tell that she was confused. But for her innocent looking eyes and the clearness in it stopped Ash from shouting further. He put her down and left. Before he got inside the car, he looked towards Rose direction. He saw that she was smiling. For some reason he felt tranquility. However, he shook his head and vowed, “Wait for me, Rose. I will make you pay for the pain you gave me.”

They met again after nine years where fate of wheel starts to move in an unknown direction.

Present time~~

Mr. Khan came toward rose and took her hand, “I am happy to meet with you. You will be part of our family soon. So why don't you stay tonight and celebrate it."

Rose Looked at Ash. She really wanted to know the answer to all of these questions. Mr. Khan said, "I never believed Ash would marry you as I thought that he would hate you for that accident."

Now Rose was confused. What accident?

As far as Rose remembered, she never got into any accident. Mr. Khan said, "I am happy that Ash moved forward and accept you”

Rose was looking toward Ash. Mr. Khan saw that Rose was still looking at Ash and started to laugh.

"You, both are new love birds, should stop staring at each other. You will have plenty of time in future ".

Rose became shy and looked away. Mrs. Khan came to a rose and said, "Welcome dear" and hugged Rose. This time Ash came forward and took Rose.

“We are tired from our journey. Let us freshen up.”

Ash took Rose and went upstairs. When they reached the room, Rose moved away from Ash .She started to search for something.

"What are you looking for?”

Ash asked and Rose indicated something to write. Then Ash gave his phone to Rose. Rose was typing.

"Why didn't you say that you know me?

In addition, my family knows you from before. What is the accident that your dad is talking about?

If we have, been promised to each other then where are you all these years? why do I not know about this?

Are you all planning it before you meet me? What is it that you are after?

What do you want from me?"

When she gave out this message to Ash, he looked at this and said, " So many questions but I will answer only one. Say which one do you want to get the answer?"

Rose was thinking, as she knew Ash would never answer not more than one. Then she pointed toward the accident

"So you want to know about it. Okay, fine .when you are 9 years old you killed my mum”

Rose's eyes got big. Her heart started beating fast. Rose was looking toward Ash. She thought that it is not possible there was no way Rose could kill someone. And at that young age. Rose was thinking why Ash was telling a lie. Maybe it is just a game for him but it is not for her. Then she started to tremble.

Ash came close to her dangerously close. He took hold of her chin pushed toward the wall.

“Why are you looking like that? Is it guilty that is killing you? Like you killed me all those years ago?"

Rose was looking at Ash and trying to understand what it meant. She was trying to break free from him. Suddenly Ash got angry and banged on the wall beside Rose. Rose got extremely afraid. She did not know what to do. Why Ash is blaming her for the things she never done? Then she remembered that Mr. Khan also said the same thing.

Was it true? But why can't she remember it? She was trying hard to remember and there was some blurred vision of someone pushing her .She started getting very dizzy and throbbing headache made her nauseous. She pushed Ash away with all her might and ran towards the washroom.

She started vomiting. Ash came near her and asked

"Are you ok?”

He was rubbing the back of Rose and Rose started to feel dizzier. Finally, she lost her consciousness. Ash became stressed to see Rose lose her consciousness again. He took her to the bedroom and threw water in her face.

Little by little, Rose came to sense when she saw Ash she tried to sit up. Ash took hold of her shoulder and said, "You don't have to get up. You are sick."

Rose was trying to understand this person in front of her as because she was sure that Ash really hate her. If she was the reason to kill his mother then there was no way he was trying to get married to her. That means he was making her his fiance to take revenge. And this is the first time Rose have no excuse and explanation to ignore his REVENGE.

But Rose still doesn't remember it so Rose indicated Ash to come near her.


Ash asked. Rose pointed toward her and then pointed toward him and took his palm. In there she gave a question mark.

"Why, what?" Then Ash gave some pen and paper to Rose.

Rose wrote, "Do you want to take revenge from me?"

Ash never thought that Rose would ask this question so directly. So he said, "Don't you hear my dad? I have done what my mother said to me. I was fulfilling her wish. "

Rose was not convinced by that, as you know that people's hatred is more powerful than their love. So there is no way that Ash would simply agree to marry for the promise of their mother. Ash looked at her and said, "you don't believe me.”

Then Rose shook her head as no.

Ash just smiled. That smile filled with pain. She did not know why, when she saw him like that, she wanted to take hold of him. She knew that by saying sorry it would never be all right. Rose could never give Ash her mum back. She didn't know what to say to him then Rose wrote,

"I will agree”

Ash looked at Ross and said,

"What are you agreeing to?"

Rose wrote,

"I agreed to become your fiance ".

Ash smiled and said, “Even if you don't want to, you will be my fiance."

Then Rose wrote, "There is a difference between forcing and agreeing. So I am volunteering to be your fiance but you have to promise me something."

Ash become curious and said, "Say it. What do you want?"

"I want revenge." Rose wrote.

"Revenge from whom? Edward and Bella?"

Rose nodded her head.

"Ok but if you agree then you have to pay the price”

Rose looked toward Ash and thought what price?

"You will know but for now stay with me"

Rose understood it but what she did not notice was that she got into greater trouble.

"Now my fiance, shall we go?"

Rose tried to stand up and lost her balance. She fell on the bed as Ash was trying to help her and he also fell on it.

Rose's heart was about to jump out from her chest. Ash's breathing caressed on Rose's neck. She felt goose bumps all over her. She was trying to move when Rose's eyes met Ash's eyes. They both kept staring at each other. After a few seconds, Ash came close to her and touched her lip. Her hand automatically went to Ash's neck. Today Ash was kissing her tenderly. It was the first time he was treating her like that. Rose knew that Ash never loved her or maybe he was with her for revenge. But this kiss... this kiss made her forget all the rational thinking. What is right and what is not is not important. What is important is what her heart desires. And right now it only desires for one. And that is ‘ASH’