Sweet love

Rose And Ash returned to the home. Both of them were happy to reach their home. Ad came

down and saw that ash and Rose came. Both of them were holding hands. She said, “Thank

God, you all are safe.” Ash nodded his head and went inside with Rose. Ash was looking at

Rose. And said “are you tired? “ Rose nodded her head As no. Ad came near them and said”

What do you want to eat? “Anything you want to make?” Ash Replied. Rose looked toward Ash

and said “Let’s have some sandwich.” ad was shocked to hear Rose speak. She was looking at

her. And thinking “finally. My dear rose started to talk”. She looked toward Rose and said that

“sure. my lady. “

Ash became jealous and said, “ who is your lady? she is mine" after hearing it rose and Ad both

smiled. After so long, Ash made fun with all. He said that “now we have to go. Ad you make

sandwiches “


Ash and Rose went inside the room. Rose missed this room and the person who shared it with