Wetter than water

Ash went into the washroom. He thought about something and shouted.


hearing it rose ran into the washroom. she asked,

"what happened ?"

"I can't take shower?" rose looked at him and thought 'this drama boy'

"oh, you can't. don't worry. Then for a week don't take shower. but if you don't take shower you

will smell. then I will leave you. as I can't stand the smell"

Ash became angry when he heard that. and said " so you won't stay with me"

"nooooo''rose replied. Ash pulled Rose inside the shower. Due to Rose's hand, the shower

started. both of them are fully wet. ash was lost into rose eyes. Those black eyes tell many

tales. He wanted to know all about it. Due to water, Rose's had problems. Ash put his hand on

rose forehead. she looked at him and said

"you are wet. didn't the doctor tell you not to wet your hand "

"Without my hand how can I shower? also, my lover doesn't help me"

"Maybe you should find a new lover," Rose said.