Chapter 17

Eli got out the car and ran into the school building, his men behind him trying to keep up.A teacher was in the hall when he got to her he push her on the lockers and ask.

"Library now!!!".

With shaky hands the teacher pointed to the stairs.

Eli let go of her and ran up the stairs.He kick the door open and joe switch on the lights.

"Lucas?!!".He shouted but all he heard was silence.

He searched the entire library.

"Boss I found something".Joe came with something in his hand.It was Lucas' phone.

"Fuck!".Eli curse gripping the phone in his hand.

He glimpse something on the wall and when he looked up ,anger shot through his vein.

(D-Danny mwah!!!) ;)

he put Lucas phone in his pocket and stormed out of the place.

Only thing on his mind was getting back his baby and killing the bitch.

"Daniel".Lucas whispered

"Duh".Daniel said waving her lipstick around

"But...what...what do you want from me?!".Lucas ask kneeling and sitting on his heels

"My plans wasn't working to get Elijah to face me,so I took the only thing that he loves.I can't believe he fell in love with you....a kid".Daniel laugh

"I can't believe he dated you.....a psycho".Lucas scoff

"Oh please,Elijah couldn't get enough of this".She said gesturing to her body making Lucas scoff again.

"So tell me,you two have sex yet?".Daniel sat leg crossed in front of Lucas looking interested.

"How is that any of your concern?".

Lucas whimpered when he receive a hard blow to his cheek bone.

"Answer me!!".


Another one.His cheek was aching like hell.He could taste blood in his mouth.

"How was it?".

"Best nights of my life".Lucas gave her a bloody smile.

Another one,this one knocked him out.

When Lucas woke up his hands were handcuffed to a headboard.His mouth was duck taped.He tried to scream through the tape but nothing worked.The door in front of him suddenly opened and a man came in.

"Boss said you should eat then take these pills".

The guy pulled the tape off his mouth making him scream.

"What kind of pills are they?".

"Nothing that is good for you trust me".The guy laugh.

He went outside for a tray then brought in over to Lucas setting it on his lap and taking a bundle of keys from his back pocket.The guy removed the cuffs Lucas who sighed in relief and rub his wrist.

"How do I know this won't kill me?".Lucas ask looking down at the food.

"You don't".The guy said sitting in a chair beside Lucas and taking out his phone.

Eli where the fuck are you

"Take the pills!!!".


"If you don't open your mouth right now I'm going to shoot you in the leg".The man threatened

Lucas had finished eating,he took his time,he didn't want to finish quick and then he would have to take the pills.The man looked serious though.

I can handle their drugs,I've done it before

His mouth was forced open and two pills slid down his throat easily.He cough when the man let go.He then rested his back against the head board closing his eyes and catching his breath.When he opened his eyes again his vision was blurry the man looked as if he was spinning around while walking towards the door.He struggled with his eyes to stay awake but failed.

Eli was going crazy.He sent all his men out about three times already and everyone came back with nothing.Nothing about Daniel and nothing about Lucas.It had been a day and he was worried sick.No one said anything to him afraid they would die,they just went out every two hours and looked for Lucas and tried to find out as much as possible.

Eli was now loading his gun.He was going out by himself he haven't slept the night before.Too busy trying to find Lucas.

"Boss?".Joe called walking into the sitting room where Eli is.

"Daniel has a boyfriend and he lives near".

Eli just nod and got up going out to his car.He went into the passengers seat waiting for Joe who came in less than a minute.They drove out just the two.How Joe saw it they didn't need back up.Eli looked like he would kill anyone who gets in his way.

They arrive at an apartment downtown.Eli was the first to get out of the car and went into the apartment.

"3A".Joe told him.

He walked until he came up on the door,he turn the door knob,it was locked.He then stepped back and use his foot against the door.

The door dropped to the floor.


Eli stormed into the place taking the drunk guy off the couch and holding him by his neck against the wall.

"Daniel,where is she?".Eli demand,choking the man.

"House,she's at her house".The man managed to say gasping for air.

"You're coming with me".Eli said holding the man by the back of his neck and walking out the building with him.He threw the guy in the back of the car and got in with him.

"Directions".He said pointing the gun at the man's head.

"Uh um...turn on that street".The guy stuttered.

Joe did what the guy said and they continued to take directions from him.

Soon they arrived at a mansion,they parked a block from the house and Eli called his men.When his men arrive they made a plan which everyone agreed on then about ten men started towards the house.

"What about me?".Daniel's boyfriend ask.

Eli gave him a cold glare before hitting him with the back of his gun,when he guy fell he handcuffed him to back of the truck his men came in.

When Eli heard the gunshots he moved towards the house.He past the bodies on the ground and walked through the opened door only to find more bodies.Eli saw something ran around the corner and immediately went after the person.He ended up in a hallway.He kicked the first door open.He raise his gun at Daniel while she pointed hers at Lucas' head on the bed,fighting to keep his eyes open.

"It's been a while my love".Daniel grin.

"Lower the gun and I won't kill you now".

"Sorry can't do that".She click her tongue.

A shot was fired and Daniel screamed holding her leg.The gun fell from her hand so she could hold her leg.Eli nod at Joe before walking towards them.Daniel looked around the ran to the opened window and jumped out.The shots Joe fired at her broke the glass in the window then the heard a splash.She must have jumped in the pool.

Eli removed the cuffs with the keys the dead man was holding.He took Lucas off the bed and put him to stand keeping a hand around his waist.

"People.....need ".Lucas said eyes half close.


Eli slap him across his face waking him up.His eyes were wide and he push Eli away from him.

"I'm sorry but please stay awake,what people?".

Lucas turn and ran out the door,Eli close behind.