Chapter 16

"All they did was sit and talk about their stupid holiday that I don't care about".Lucas said sticking the lollipop back in his mouth.

"Did anything interested happened?".Eli ask,keeping his eyes on the road.

"Uh friend Nick is dating a guy".


"He's older than him".


"And to make him feel better I told him about us".

"Oh-".Eli look over at Lucas before back at the road.

"He thought it was wrong to be dating a guy four years older than him so to make him feel better I told him about us....and that I was living with you".Lucas whispered the last part.

"Oh.....I...I don't know what to say".Eli ran a hand through hair,he never really thought of something to say when someone outside the house knows.

"Are you mad?".

"No....I wouldn't be mad because of that,he's your best friend,your only friend".

"How do you know that?".

"I know everything about you remember?".

"Yea I forgot you use to stalk me".

Eli laugh."I wouldn't call it stalking.........".

Eli pulled up at a restaurant.He took Lucas' hand and led him inside and immediately all eyes were on them .Some eyes fill with fear and worry,it was like they knew Eli.A man came up to them and Eli nod at him.The guy looked to the corner then back at Eli as if telling him something Lucas couldn't put his finger on.Eli squeeze Lucas hand and led him over to a table at the back.A man was sitting there the same direction where the other man eyes were.Eli put Lucas to sit in front of the man,when the man looked up he had a confuse expression,a gun was pointed to his temple.Lucas close his eyes and he felt the table jerk .He open his eyes and saw the guy's head on the table blood pouring onto the table.He quickly got up and stood beside Eli.


Why didn't I hear the shot

He looked around and saw people eating and talking.

No one heard

"I thought we were going to eat you didn't have to kill him In front of me,god you're so annoying sometimes".Lucas huff.

"I'm sorry but I knew if you stand you would have fainted".

"You could have left me in the car".

"Then my baby would be dead".

Lucas looked at him confuse then Eli pointed out the window.Two men stood in front of the car with guns pointing at their windscreen Lucas scream and buried his face in Eli's chest but Eli just smirk and watch his men came out of their hiding place and fired at the men.Eli started the car and drove off,his men in their cars behind them.Now Lucas had heard the shots,ten shots two men dead.

"Can we go eat now?".Lucas ask.

"Sure babe?".

Eli parked in the drive way of the restaurant,Saint's restaurant.Lucas was glad that it was this restaurant it was one of his favorites.He has a thing for restaurants on ships.

"Good afternoon Mr.Morgan right this way".

The lady walked in front while Eli and Lucas held hands walking behind.

"Where's my brother?".Eli ask with furrowed brows.

"He's up top,with Joe".

Eli nod,he glanced at Lucas who smile cheekily at him then shook his head.

They sat down at the table and the lady gave them each a menu.

After dinner Eli and Lucas toured the place,talking about guns.They walked to the top to watch the stars from their usual spot but when they reached both their eyes widen.

Joe stood by the railing with his arms wrapped around Saint's waist,they were smiling at each other,eyes lock.Lucas smile at them and awwwed.

"Hey?!.... my hit man!".Eli said and they both turned around.

"Remember me?".

"How can I forgot you".Joe sighed,letting go of Saint but kept a hand around his waist.

"Well I haven't seen you in a week only heard you were with my brother what are you two?".

Lucas gasp and slap him gently on the chest.

"Be nice".

Eli roll his eyes.

"We'll talk about this later,go back to....whatever".

They walked out leaving the two men to....whatever.

Lucas was at school in the library.Nick had texted him he wasn't going to be at school because he can't walk.Lucas laughed when he got the text because he knew what had happened.

The library was quiet,nothing....It was strange and Lucas got suspicious because there was nothing.The tv at the front desk wasn't playing the door had close thirty seconds ago,it was strange.He continue to read his comic until the lights went out.He got up and ran to the back of the library taking out his phone and calling Eli.

"Babe?".Eli answered.

"Something is wrong".Lucas whispered.

"What?where are you?".Eli demand he had dropped his papers and was now walking towards his car.

"School library,the door is lock the lights are out and the place is quiet".

As Lucas finished that sentence he heard footsteps moving around.

"Someone is coming please hurry",

"I'll be there Lucas just keep calm stay quiet and aim your gun at anything you see".

"I will but-".

Lucas didn't finished his sentence.A sock was stuff into his mouth and he dropped the phone.Struggling to get the hand from around his neck.

"Lucas?.....Lucas!!".Eli shouted from the phone on the ground.

Lucas sat still in the cigarette scented car.There was nothing he could do he was blindfold so he couldn't see where he was going.His hands were tied behind his back and the sock still in his mouth.He was helpless but his heart was racing.

The car then turned off and he was yanked out.Strong hands held his upper arm and dragged him up some steps.The blindfold was remove along with the sock but his hands were still tied.He took in his surrounding. A rich house.

He was about to shout at the two men that held him but he heard heels tapping against the tile coming into the room they were in.A woman stood some feet away hands on her hips and a evil smirk on her lips.Her hair in a ponytail and a hat on her head.She was in a woman's suit.

"You're cuter up close no wonder Elijah picked you".

The woman smirk taking out her lipstick and a small mirror and applying the lipstick on to her full pink lips.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Sweety,you're so dumb".

Lucas was thrown to the floor by the men,he groan in pain and look up through his curls at the woman who was now standing over him.

"I'm your friend.......on kik".