
well,well,well since today is Saturday ,and I also does not have a pile up work, I should continue my previous experiment.

this is my private experiment for my special blog.

this one special blog had got me a lot of nobel prize.

so i will occasionally write and publish a lot of article about my experiment in this blog page.

sometime there are even a scientist debating about my experiment safety but worry not i have the most save place to do this experiment.

even my sibling does not know about this place where about.

It's been a long time seen the last time I conduct an experiment maybe about a month it is all because of that damn work, well if I do not do my work I can't conduct my experiment, so we should not blame the work.

"So where do I leave it last time, hmm, hmm,hmm" Elia always does his hobby in his room hidden place because hhis house does not have a basement just a big giant backyard with roof all over it.

so that is why he has to be extra careful.

He do his experiment while humming his favorite song.

Elia's room was a two-room emerged together but it looks like one because the other room was like a secret room that was hidden behind the wall and to open it you have to pull some trigger which is his odd-looking book at the shelf.

well,it is just some typical secret room that you have in any other house if you have a secret room.

but his hidden room is especially massive and connected to the door to go outside.

twin's does not know about this secret room because my parent just told me about this room, it is so that my siblings will not get caught in my whole ridiculous experiment and they to will not do a freaky and weird experiment.

Maybe my parent told me about this room so that I don't do some stupid decisions outside .

"today's experiment is about how to make fly Venus trap digest some plastic and some waste toxic"



He opens his research footnote and starts writing something on it.

"Venus A, unfortunately, die after she tried, I mean not she but technically me who give her the waste toxic and some snake toxic, she just can survive about three days, rest in peace Venus A, Venus B die too, about 24 hours after I give her some shredded plastic, Venus C is healthy but she kind of aggressive like a beast after digest all the toxic and plastic"

I decided to cremate her in the oven because it can be dangerous for my family, which means this experiment is a failure.

"failure again...hummm..."

not all my experiment is a failure but sometimes it is bound to be a failure.

there was a time I tried to make some solar panels but just took the principal boiling water in the solar panel and change it.

I change it from solar power to burn something such as trash and put an air filter on the burner and applied it at home and it was a huge success now my house get free electricity, well it is just my house.

I do not want to get killed by some government worker because of my idea so I just applied that thing at my home.

I also get some free soil at my house because every time we burn something the soil just keep piling up so we decided to use it as a fertilizer for the plant that i uses for my experiment

the twin is aware of my experiment but they just keep their mouth shut because they think that this is such a waste of time and they do not know where I conduct my hobby.

they sometime ask me if they can join me or not but i will immediately refuse with my eyes shut.

i just can't stand their puppy eyes.

well, it is for them not me, this is just my hobby and I love to do it if I have some free time

"okay after this we will have to research about the existent of magic and its technic" I can say that I have my own archive about my experiment and research .

all of this I do it on my own and my money that i get from my blog and many other resources .

if I counted it down I have 3 shelves worth of my experiment and about 15 research and 13 experiments that I have been doing.

Luckily, my house was a little bit far from the neighbor.

so I do not get a lot of complaints and they do not even know I install some modified solar panels at my house when I bought the solar panel they just think that it is some normal solar panel and ignore it.



"Brother, big brother where are you we want to go out, we want to buy some school supplies. BIG BROTHER!!!" Erin shouted from downstairs

I think she had been searching for me for a long time but I never a appear or she does not find me so that why she shouted.

"Yes, yes coming, jeez even though it is a very beautiful morning must you ruin it with your screaming, you know you can just call me using phone right?"

"hehehe i forgot,big brother...let's go to the mall please....."

erin and eric give me their most cute and adorable face .

their face really resemble puppy .

i can't resist.....

this demon in my body

when I come downstairs and i see that the twin has been ready .

they really know what my weakness really well.

Erin with her brown hair ponytail style and a green blouse with jeans and some sandals.

while Eric does not style his brown hair he just let it down and some green shirt, denim jacket, white shorts, and of course NijE meanwhile I just wearing some half-ass plain shirt, jean with Cruces.

my sibling is amazingly beautiful today, maybe it's in their genes.

we all have almost golden like iris with a phoenix shape eyes that we inherent from our mother and the other trait on our physical body such height,facial structure and hair we got it from our father.

that why we are tall and well built.

but erin and eric is especially more attractive amd more fashionable that they experience being scouted by modelling agencies just by walking on the roadside but they always refuse because of their eccentric behaviour.

i on the other hand people doesn't even look at me .

if they walk pass me they will never take a second look.

Erin and eric said that because of my horrible fashion style and my thick lense spectacle.

what can i do i have a really bad eyesight that why i wear thick lense spectacle.

they even call me a fashion terrorist.

well whatever as long as i'm comfortable with what i'm wearing.

we get into the car and I start driving the car to the mall, I hardly can not refuse my younger sibling because they are my only family members .

"what do you two want to buy at the mall, list it up, so that we can save up some money to buy delicious food to bring back home" I order them to list up what they want to buy so that we won't lose track about what we want to buy.

They just nodded and begin to write down the list of things that they want to buy.

After that, they request to me to go to a barbeque restaurant.




"This is the money, go buy it yourself, I will wait at the barbeque restaurant at 3rd floor okay." I said at them and leave them to buy their stuff and go to the restaurant.

the restaurant Barbeque place has a really strategic place with a big balcony and good scenery .

it is a perfect place to take a photo for social medis.

"Okay big bro we will definitely ,absolutely return as fast as possible, so you have to order the most famous menu at the restaurant okay" Eric say with his sparkly eyes.

when its come to food he was number one absolutely.

if you mention about food he will be the first one to appear.

food and play a.k.a experimenting is his favourite thing.

while erin is his moderate and sane balance ,erin will always follow whenever eric go same goes to erin,eric will follow whenever she go.

but their taste in people is really different ,so different.

Eric and Erin has a stomach that has no end, but no matter how many eric eat he will never get fat in contrary he get even more buff as he get to eat a lot of food, I envy his body.

while Erin always eat moderately .

I just nodded at them and go the restaurant as I arrive at the restaurant I order my food and my massive food order for the twin's and wait for my siblings while reading some news at the phone.