The beginning of the chaos

"Big bro, did you order my food?" I hear Eric's voice come from behind my back that was the first thing he said to me after I wait for them for almost 4 hours I don't know what are they buying but it seem that they buy a lot of stuff.

Luckily, The barbeque place takes a lot of time to prepare for the food, they seem to take a lot of time because they had been a lot of orders and demand for their food lately. If not it will just take for them to prepare for the in just 30 min.

"wahhh, all the food here always looks delicious, I can not wait to eat them. Erin holds this, I want to eat" Eric gives the shopping bag to Erin. he wears a glove so that he can eat easily,

the place also provides some knives and scissors so that their customer can eat their food cleanly. I just giggle at the sight of this Eric. he never misses it when it's come to food.

"I also invite Bethany to join us" I speak to them Bethany was my childhood friend but he is 2 years older than me. I am 24 while she is 26 years old, we know since we were a kid.

we were close to each other she is like my sister to me, she is a bit naughty and always causes some trouble but it's fun to play with her.

But for some reason Erin and Eric don't even like Bethany, they seem to have a grudge against each other.



Erin frowned after she hear the word "Bethany" she seem allergic and does not like that name. she shot me a face like questioning me 'why did you invite that woman'.I do not how to handle this.

I invite Bethany because she said she want to introduce her boyfriend to me, she said she want to show her boyfriend about her younger siblings.. she is the only child in her family so basically she treat me and my sibling like her own family too. When my parent disappears her parent help me to babysit the twin, I am grateful to them.



Currently, now it is 3.30 p.m. "Eli !" I heard Bethany's voice from afar. it seems she bring her boyfriend too.

she sounds cheerful too. I thought she will be single until her death but it's not I guess it's not true.

'hmm, lucky for her to get such a handsome boyfriend with that personality' she drag her boyfriend to our table and greet me and my sibling .they both seem to get along pretty well.

We eat the food happily while also chatting about everyday life, after that we begin to tidy up our sit and want to go back home.

Currently right now is 5.00 p.m. but it is dark outside like it's midnight it is dark, Because I was a bit worried I check my watch and my phone clock multiple times but it is still 5.00 o,clock in the evening nothing has changed, it is really weird.

when we go outside and went to go to the parking lot we saw a lot of people taking a picture of the sky, neither we know why and we also check at the sky because we also want to know what the cause of this havoc, we were surprised,

there was a second moon in the sky, and it is a very beautiful blue moon like a moon from the fantasy such a rare phenomenon,

maybe it was a blessing or maybe it is disaster I try to urge my friend and my siblings but they were like had been hypnosis by the moon the same situation goes for everybody I think I'm just the only one who was sane here,

I try to drag my sibling but they were like a statue stack at the place while watching the blue moon, suddenly the beautiful blue moon turn into a dark black moon

after that, the moon shoot some weird lightning into the sky and the sky begin to show some crack and there was a lot of unknown creatures crept out from the unknown cracks.

The creature begins to attack the nearby people, they were like a monster in the fantasy game too, it's was like our earth has turned into be some fantasy-like earth but there non of the people can use magic.

Suddenly, the creature want to attack Bethany but Bethany push My sister Erin and her boyfriend push my brother , to that monster and run with his boyfriend ,

I was really shocked at that time, I really thinks we were family but she betray my trust just like that

" kyaa!!!!" Erin scream like the other person that was being attack by the creature I'm so scared something might happen to my sibling

it's not like I'm over protective but that just who I'm, this place had become a really messy and chaos place,

I hurry up run to save my siblings I try to distract that monster by throwing some rock nearby but I think it is because my sibling luck is above average the monster ignore both of them.

I'm really grateful because that damn monster ignore the twin after that I hurry up to save them from the danger .



" Hey , hurry up we have to leave this place we have to go to our safe house, it still not safe here." our safe house located about 1 km from the mall so it should be okay and it is nearby the forest .

it is pretty safe and hidden and that house also has some my modified style electricity panel so we can get almost a lot of free electric ,also some 5 year worth of military's ratio and water

,all of this was my parent preparation if the country had face some disaster they said, even though we were nearby the forest we will never get hungry for about 5 years.

I urge both of them to get up but it seems like Erin has fainted because of the shock that she gets from being pushed to the monster.

she is literally infront of the monster and Eric hold her hand before to calm her mind but it seem after she calm down she fainted on the spot.

I drag both of them to the car and I place Erin at the back sit and Eric sit beside myself. He is trembling like crazy but he doesn't even let go the shopping bag at his precious take up barbeque food.

I just shake my head at the the sight of this trembling puppy and begin to drive the car to the house.