Demon King Ifrit Chapter 1 page 9

[ Ifrit walks around the realm]

Ifrit: *thinks* ( Interesting...Who Is that coming towards me)

[A beings comes near Ifrit]

Ifrit: No Way *laughs* didnt think that i'd ever see you again.

The writer: Yes, Been a while.

Ifrit: So what is the reason you came into this world?

The writer: I saw that you erased one of my stories without my permission, why'd you do that?

IFRIT: Oh That.....Well the beings you created there we're quite annoying, so i decided to erase their storyline, Plus remember we are the same in power, so i had the right to do what ever i did.

The writer: Oh really? what was so annoying about the Beings i made?

IFRIT: You see, They had no respect for me what so ever, so i decided to teach them a lesson *laughs*

The writer: Yeah Right... *chuckles*

IFRIT: Since you're here, I want to ask you about something

The writer: What is it?

IFRIT: Can I use full extent of my power?

the writer: Like?

IFRIT: Well Just like i did with that story you were writing, Control all aspects in any story i am in, alter history's, destiny, nature et cetera. Basically Control everything just like you do.

The Writer: so you want to go against all of my rules and laws? And Basically Be Me?

IFRIT: well kind of yes.

the writer: Sure, do it, but i dont get why you need such powers? you have already reached my level and at this point probably beyond...but sure, and just one thing there will be some consequences for the powers u use.

IFRIT: what consequences?

The writer: You know..let me rephrase that, its not consequences, since there are no consequences for for such like you, its like a deal...

Ifrit: Okay?

The writer: I will rewrite Elizabeth out of this reality in trade for you to use your powers, do you agree to that?

IFRIT: well..

The writer: It's your decision to make, and why did you even ask my permission? You already have authority over any story that you exist within

IFRIT: Fine, I agree, and i asked out of manners, it wouldn't be very nice of me if i just did anything to something that didn't even belong to me.

The writer: great, now you can use full extend of your power, i allow it, Now It's time for me to go, goodbye Ifrit

IFRIT: see you soon..i hope.

~To be continued ~

DATA - Me (Writer/Author) And Ifrit Had an conversion about him using the full extend of his powers, although when he challenged me to an battle in the past, and came out to be on my level, and at the point he's at right now he has surpassed me, and i do not understand what his goal is. And What is he trying to get to.