Demon King Ifrit Chapter 1 Page 10

IFRIT: I wonder what He meant by Consequences...

[ All 8 Goddesses teleport to IFRIT]

IFRIT: Oh My, all of you finally decided to attack me?

Lytta: Yes, And today is the last day that you are alive

IFRIT: Oh really? And Who's going to kill me?

Eirene: We will!

IFRIT: Sure thing, you can try attacking me, ill even hold back, Because at this point this fight is immeasurably far from being fair, i could end all of you by just saying it, but i want to have fun so lets go.

Thoth: This Fight will Probably destroy infinite amount of infinite multiverses, so i think we should go into an world of infinite nothingness, so we dont destroy innocent lives

IFRIT: I do not care about anyone's life, so lets get it started, attack me NOW

Lytta: alright everybody, ATTACK!!!

IFRIT: Everyone Stop

The Goddesses: What The!? I cant move my body, What did you do to us, you monster!

IFRIT: Oh Didn't i mention that anything that i want and say happens? I thought i mentioned that earlier, or were you not listening?

[The Goddesses Trying to move ]

IFRIT: Dont even try, all my wishes are absolute, and now your fate is completely in my hands, I could erase all of you any any given time, or i could torture you, i dont know which to pick..

Adrinion: Good luck With that, Im fully immune to any types of erasure, Plus I can instantly Regenerate or in the worst case scenario, i could reincarnate myself

IFRIT: Oh Please, you're pathetic... My erasure is different from anything this creation has seen, just for example purposes i'll demonstrate it on you Adrinion

Adrinion: i dont care, im not afraid of you

IFRIT: Oh your not....just yet...*Blinks*

[Adrinion vanishes]

Eirene:what happened?

IFRIT: 2 Of his theory's failed, He didn't Regenerate, He wasn't immune to my type of erasure, now we have to wait if he reincarnates himself, ill skip time by 1000 years and lets see if hes reincarnated * chuckles*

[ifrit Snaps fingers and skips time]

Ifrit: as you all can see, my erasure indeed did work on him *laughs*

*Goddesses in shock*

Eirene:,no,no YOU MONSTER


Eirene: So that mortal was your lover...Lytta told us to kidnap her because she betrayed the gods...He didnt tell us anything about your feelings for her

IFRIT: Oh is that so? I guess Lytta is next.... Lytta Stand up and stab yourself with your

*Lytta stands up and takes his sword*

Medraya: What's happening to him?!!

IFRIT: i am controlling his soul and his mind

Medraya: Please stop!!

Ifrit: *Thinks*( I want Medraya to be erased)

{Medraya vanishes}

*goddeses gasp* What'd you do to her!! You Sick Bastard

IFRIT: *Thinks*( I want them to lose their ability to talk)

[ All goddesses are quiet ]

IFRIT: Much better, Now Lytta your no longer in this existence [ Lytta Vanishes]

Ifrit: you all can talk now

[Goddesses get their ability to talk]

Thoth: How are you doing this?! I have all the knowledge in existence but i still cant comprehend that what your doing is actually possible

IFRIT: I'll reveal a small amount of my ability's, 2 of them to be exact, One I manipulate Every single concept, being, thing, absolutely everything to my will... And two....There Isn't a limitation to what i can wish for, Anything That i say and want happens no matter what.

Thoth: Is that how you we're able to erase Adrinion even though he was immune to all types of erasure's?

Ifrit: Oh that's another ability that i used.

Thoth: And what is that ability?

Ifrit: well actually i used 2 into a combo of 1, I used my ability that allow's me to activate and deactivate anyone's power and immunity to anything, i deactivated Adrinion's immunity to everything and made him powerless, then use my absolute Erasure that erases Anyone No matter the immunity to it or power

Thoth: But If you deactivated His immunity and power, why'd you use Absolute erasure instead of just regular erasure?

Ifrit: Just because i felt like it

Thoth : But what ever your doing is against All laws and concepts and logic in general, How did you get this power?!

Ifrit: i always had this power, i never revealed it until this point, perhaps Laws and logic dont apply to me... they're nothing to me...Now Its time for me to send all of you to my Hell dimension

[Ifrit snaps his fingers]

all of Goddesses : Plea -

• To be continued •