Ch. 6 His Heart Torn

Axel continued reading the report, and the more he read it, the more his temples frowned.

Vincent and Stanley orchestrated the accident to kill Alexsei because the man had kidnapped Meisya and six-year-old Chleo. Alexsei molested and assaulted Meisya in front of the young Chleo. Then the poor little girl was tied on the highest place above the deep river.

When Vincent and the others arrived to save Chleora, Alexsei cut the rope, causing the girl's tiny body to fall into the river and be carried by the current.

It took them hours to find Chleora's dying body. Luckily they found her in time, and the girl's life could be saved.

Unfortunately... the child was severely traumatized and bore a phobia of water and heights. She was also afraid of dark rooms because Alexsei locked her in a small windowless room with no light for hours.

It was no wonder Vincent and Stanley became grudge and killed Alexsei. And now... Alexis planned to take revenge on Vincent through Chleora.

That young man had purposely approached Chleora ten years ago to win over her heart. Using Chleora's affection for him, Alexis schemed to ruin Vincent's life and destroy his business empire.

Instantly Axel felt regretful. He shouldn't have brought Alexis back to Chleora. He was about to come out of the cafe to get Chleora away from the place before Alexis came. Regrettably, it was too late.

Alexis has arrived and went inside the restaurant. Through the transparent glass, Axel could see the shocked expressions on the two of them. In the next second, he saw Chleo beaming at the young man so brightly, making Axel held his breath for a moment. His heart broke apart when he saw Chleo rise to her feet and directly circled her hands to Alexis's neckline longingly.

As expected... Chleo looked prettier when she smiled. She looked radiant when she showed a smile that came from her heart.

The blue king gripped his chest due to this unfamiliar ache. He never felt this aching heart before. He even didn't care if his female friend was making out openly while giving him dog food.

It was the first time he felt unbearably suffocated like this. He felt like something was inside his lung and blocked him from inhaling oxygen. It was as if something sharp jabbed his heart to the point he wished never born.

All his pain was only because he saw that blinding smile... and that wasn't for him. It was not him that the girl loved. It was not him who filled the gorgeous girl's heart.

What an idiot he was. How could he not realize it? Chleora was the one he had been looking for. Now he knows it, but it was late.

Axel became indifferent and not so excited to meet the girl. Initially, he had made an appointment with Chleo to have dinner together after the girl met Alexis, but now he decided to cancel it.

Unfortunately, Chleo was too happy and desired to thank him that she decided to contact him directly. She even declared she was eager to meet him.

"You are incredible! Alexis came to see me!" Chleo exclaimed happily without knowing her heaven-like joyous music stabbing his heart with a poison arrow.

"Hear me out. He's not mad at me anymore. He actually behaved better than before. He even treated me better, as if I'm his queen. Hey, why are you silent? Where are you? I will pay my debt to you."

"Debt? You don't owe me anything." Axel tried to clear his dry voice.

"Didn't you say that you want to see my smile if you managed to bring Alexis here? I think I can smile for you now."

He already knows that. How could he not know when he could see her radiant smile as clear as a bright day?

Even though he didn't want to see Chleo's expression in love, he still wanted to see her, even if only for a second. Since he realized he had fallen in love with her, Axel felt heavy and exhausted... especially knowing that the woman loved another man.

Axel had no other choice but to let the girl come to his house.

Not long after, a bell rang in his house.

With heavy steps, Axel opened the door of his house. He saw Chleo's face shining red because of her immeasurable festive feelings. Her smile went broad that showed a row of pearl-like white teeth. Her sad eyes that often dull in usual days, gleamed with delight as if the girl won some lottery.

What a charming girl Chleo was when she transpired in a delighted mood. Unfortunately... the source of the girl's happiness was not him.

Axel heard all her happy moments when she reconciled with her lover with a heart filled with jealousy. Apparently, they fought because Chleo preferred to obey her parents when Vincent and Catherine opposed their relationship.

Alexis accused her that Chleo's feelings were not as great as his, so the man was furious. But now Chleo decided to follow her heart and was desperate to run away from the house.

Then... just now, Alexis proposed and wished to marry her in a few days.

"WHAT?! What did you say?" Suddenly, a snarl sounded at Axel's tone made Chleo gasped in shock.

"We are going to get married next week in secret. That way, my parents will no longer be able to separate us."

"Are you stupid? Why didn't you mind your parents? They would be disappointed and felt dejected if you decided it on your own."

"I don't care. They never think about my well-being and forced their decision on me all of my whole life. My mother still feels depressed because she lost her best friend and eldest brother, likewise with my father. He was too busy consoling my depressed mother. They don't have time for my brother or me. I don't care if they would get disappointed at me."

"Chleo, you can't marry him." How could Axel let Alexis marry the girl he loved just for revenge? If only Chleora were some other girl, maybe he would just let it be. If only Alexis were sincere in love with Chleo, he would perhaps try to give them their blessing.


Axel already knows why Alexis approached Chleo. He already knew the young man's scheming plan for Chleo once the two of them became husband and wife.

His plan might even be as evil as his father when he kidnapped Meisya and Chleo eighteen years ago.

He couldn't allow it. He didn't want the girl he loved was taken advantage of.

"I will not allow you to marry him." were the words in authority tone from the blue king.

Chleora, who was initially confused by the change in Axel's attitude, now becomes irritated.

On what basis is the man entitled to forbid her from marrying the person she loves? Even her parents couldn't persuade her, let alone this person whom she had only met a few months ago?