Ch. 7 His Threat

"Who are you to forbid me? I'm free to marry whoever I want. You have no right to dictate me." Chleo was both furious and disappointed.

These past few days, Chleo found herself felt comfort and peace every time she was with Axel. She felt like she had a best friend or an older brother because of the man's very mature demeanor.

Axel managed to break down her invisible wall and create a laugh in her face. Even though she had not recognized her feelings yet, she felt like she could count on this man.

The first one who came to her mind when she was frustrated or thrilled was this man. Thus, she couldn't wait to see Axel only to share her joyous occasion.

But now, why is that guy acting so bossy as if she's willing to

go along with everything he wants?

"It seemed you had a bad day today. I will go then." Chleo decided to go back home because she felt too angry and speechless against his sudden rage.

Surprisingly, when she was about to walk towards the exit, the stepping floor mysteriously turned to the ice floor. It was continuing to creep up to freeze the door handle made Chleo

shudder with horror.

How can a tile floor turn to ice? What happened?

"I won't let you go back to that person." Axel's voice sounded eerie as a chill began to envelop the room. Chleo felt like she was standing in a blizzard.

Chleo slowly turned around and was surprised to see that Axel's sapphire-like eyes became much brighter than before. Chleo remembered her mother's best friend was once a red queen. She was one of the rulers of nature. The woman could change the weather and control the elements around her. Is this person the same?

"You... are the ruler of nature?"

Axel was quite shocked hearing her guess but flattened his expression. He was curious how the girl figured his identity right away, but it doesn't matter.

If Chleo recognized him as the ruler of nature, he could easily keep the girl away from Alexis.

"That's right. So you already know what I can do, don't you?" Axel could see a wave of fear dancing in the girl's brown eyes.

"Wh... what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to freeze Alexis' heart and send him to hell. You won't be able to see him again."

His threat caused the tears to stream down from Chleo's eyes. Her legs felt week as she slumped on the floor helplessly and hopelessly. Her saddening expression could cut the blue king's heart into pieces.

Axel didn't have the heart to hurt her. He wanted to comfort her, coax her, but... he couldn't do it. He knew that once he showed sympathy, the girl would return to Alexis and marry him in less than a week.

He had to threaten her somehow, and he made it real to make the girl believe he could do the worst thing.

"Don't... don't hurt him."

In reality, Axel didn't plan to kill Alexis nor intend to harm him in the future. After all, he once was his guardian and second father figure until the boy grew up. But... he was forced to use this threat to get Chleo to cancel her marriage to Alexis.

He planned only to scare the girl, but he listened to a devil voice inside his head. Instead of letting her go, why couldn't he take this opportunity to have her?

"If you don't want him to get hurt, cancel your marriage and break up with him." Axel walked over and then knelt on one knee to line his gaze with the limped sitting girl. "In exchange, tell him and let your parents know that you will marry me."

Chleo gasped to hear him, completely unable to believe what she heard. Did this person just threaten her to marry him?

"What if I refuse to marry you?"

"What do you think? I know you still cherish your family, not to mention... your beloved brother."

Chleora bit her lip in frustration as she glanced hatefully at Axel. She felt immense regret for opening up with this man. She often talked about her dear brother or how great affectionate she had for her only brother.

She had no idea that someday, the very same person would use her brother to threaten her.

Chleora has never hated anyone before. Even though her parents almost gave no heed about her welfare, she didn't hate them. Even when her jealous friends gossiped her behind her back or tainted her image, she never hated them.

She acted indifferently and pretended the world dead for her. Furthermore, no one dared to bully Chleo or insult her because her father would give consequences for those who dare to bother her.

That's right. Vincent always gave his protection for her, alas... that's not what she wanted.

Her father was never physically there for her. When she needed a shoulder to cry on or when she was lost in searching for an answer, it was Alexis who gave her the comfort she needed.

Lamentably, her father wouldn't give his blessing to their relationship without giving her a proper explanation. Nonetheless... Chleo didn't hate her father.

But towards Axel... She felt nothing but hatred. She had thought Axel was willing to be her friend. The man even patiently listening to all her unresolved problems, and she trusted him. But the man had betrayed her.

This man even threatened her to make her couldn't help but feel hatred toward him. Chleo felt suspicious if Axel genuinely wishes to be a friend of hers. What if this man's primary goal to take her away and purposedly acted friendly and likable?

Axel treated her sweetly and portrayed him like an older brother who cherished his younger sister. The truth is that this man had a hidden motive in his agenda when he appeared everywhere she goes.

"What is your answer?" his cold tone brought her back to reality from her thoughts.

She couldn't stop her tears even though she didn't want to let the man see her tears. She lowered her face to hide her facial expression when she nodded her head in agreement.

Chleo almost could imagine this evil man's triumph smirk while mocking her pathetic state. She had no idea that the man himself was suffering with her.

The clueless girl had no idea how much Axel wanted to see her smile happily instead of crying out of despair like this.

He raised his hand above her head only to stop in mid-air. He wanted to stop her cry as much as he wanted her to smile. If only the girl know that his heart was breaking apart every time he heard her faint sob, but the girl didn't know.

Axel pulled his hand off her head and decided to leave the girl alone for now. He rose to his feet and walked away toward his room.

After waiting for a few moments, he faintly heard the girl left his house with heavy steps.

He felt every burden in his heart submerge inside his heart, causing him to clench his hand and punched it to the wall. The hard-punching made the wall enveloped with ice.